ok… so I am just starting to loop model for a new char im making… I’m having some trouble understanding it :(… ok so here’s my problem, when I do a loop cut… is it possible to pick the edges I want cut? end of first question…
second question… if I have a loop or if I use the knife tool is there a way to pick where on the edge I want to make the cut… this would DRAMMATICALLY reduce my modeling time…
I think that’s all I have for now… if I think of anything else I’ll post it later…
surely… whenever I try to loop subdivide it makes me use a loop that goes around the entire mesh (im using a UVsphere for practice) is there a way to make it so that it only does a loop through certain faces? ex. if I wanted to have an edge loop that was a rectangle that only went about of a quarter of the way around the sphere…
the second question kind of fits with it, but when I use a knife tool or edge loop is there a way to tell blender where I want the new loop to intersect the edges? even if I had to do it individually and have it cut it I wouldn’t mind. The problem I have is whenever I do it, the loops are usually in the wrong place, and when I move the vertices it throws off the mesh a little bit so it doesn’t look as smoth and spherical kind of…
I do not believe that there is a partial loopcut. Face loops go around in an entire object, and the current algorithm doesn’t account for it. However, there is a solution common to both your problems.
Take the knife tool set to cut the center of the edges and make a cut on the edges you want to. Then select the ‘loop’ you just cut in, press ctrl-e (might be shift-e, not sure off the top of my head) and select ‘Edge Slide’. Now you can move those vertices up and down without distorting the shape as it follows the edges between the edges above and below it. Hard to explain-just try it out.
By the way, this will produce triangles, as blender does not support n-gons, which could potentially look poor unsubsurfaced if you are not careful. Be sure to join as many triangles as you can.