I’ve posted a web page with some simple explanation of what this script does and how to use it.
No error checking as yet
I’ve posted a web page with some simple explanation of what this script does and how to use it.
No error checking as yet
aaaah ! I see it now.
It is usefull.
If only for the future it could just accept any mesh as a loop …
Also how about a simple copy edge and move it to center of sellection. As that is basicly what it is doing. That I would think would work better, and would work with tris.
I am just trying to help with ideas and feed back, not trying to insult
^v^ but very useful… Thankyou.
hey your on OSX, right… ???
The new Tuhopuu has Loop select… All you have to do now is figure out how to get your script to intergrate with blender nicely.
It does?! How do you use it? Is there a hotkey or something? Any docs?
I have not posted the new build, oopys…
It has the game engine in it again, but is full of bugs.
The combo is shift+r Only works for four vertice polys
^v^ schoolllooooolllllllll
your talking about tuhopuu 2 right? Becuase I can’t get it to work, and the Game engine is doesnt appear to be in there either. Where can I get the newest build?
Hi, just stumbled on this thread. I coded the loopselect in tuhopuu and am currently working on loopcutting.
ps. these are on the list for 2.29 together with a “proper” edgeloop select made by intrr.
what codec is used for loopcut2.avi? My player can’t find the codec.
Goofster, you are a f*cking god! But still, how does this feature work on tuhopuu? I can’t get it to work!
aaawwww commit it to tuhopuu soonn NOW please …
oh yeah two things… is that yellow circle in blender ? If so please also commit that.
And are you planning to fuzze that monkey face withe the sphere ?
Excellent - that’ll save me the bother of scripting more kludges
However, I have the feeling that you might run into the same problems as I have when considering loop selection and cutting. It’s fine when there’s an obvious loop there but I’m hoping there will also be a manual select for less obvious loops (such as where the desired loop has to turn within a face rather than run to the opposite edge) and a cut to match.
Something else I had been playing around with that you might want to implement is a selective subdivide (i.e. subdivide the area within the loop while retaining the original vertices on the outside edge to avoid any problems with the join between the areas).
It should be fairly trivial to implement once the loop select/cut is in place.
no loop cut yet as Goofster has not uploaded it to Tuhopuu2
press shift + r at any edge of a four sided poly
I have shift to lock for me so i can then just keep pressing r to slect different loops.
no game yet, it is still to bugy
At the risk of sounding like an idiot, I have a question:
batcat, what is that .sit file?
am I correct in thinking that the loop select that goofster wrote IS in tuhopuu2?
Yes, the loop select was added earlier this week, if I’m not mistaken.
So where can I get the newest build? Is there a mirror with all of the releases on it?
the select is in tuhopuu2, the cutting is not (well actually, it is KINDA if you uncomment the ctrl-r hotkey in space.c)
thanks for the reactions
I don’t know what Im doing wrong… I CANNOT for the life of me get this to work! I go into edit mode, select a vertex, press shift-r and…nothing happens. I tried selecting both vertices of an edge but to no avail… I used the default plane for this test…