it selects face loops, and is not based on the selected vertice, but on the edge closer to the mouse pointer. Try with a UV sphere, it’s much more apparent.
it selects face loops, and is not based on the selected vertice, but on the edge closer to the mouse pointer. Try with a UV sphere, it’s much more apparent.
no just go to the edge, DO NOT select it at all. Then press the shift r
I will rebuild the tuhopuu now as Goofster said that it is here now YaY !
My version of tuhopuu must not have that then because it WILL NOT work for me. I used the link that Youngcat gave, re-extracted it and replaced my old version but I get the same results…please let me know when you have rebuilt it Thanks
here it comes ^v^
here fishys. It is only OSX
Oh and their are some problems with the O key and rotate in edit mode. And size constraints do not work.
OSX! Awwwww! :< But I’m a lozer windows 2k user! HELP! Somone! ARG! dies resestates himself dies gives self mouth to mouth, resesitating himself AGAIN ARG!
(sorry for that…uh…escopade… ;))
I will tell ztonny to fix a windows build
Thanks man!
Loop cut will be one of the greatest and most important additions to Blender yet! My only question is will it only work on an entire loop or can I select any number of polys in a loop and cut? I’m excited.
so far it looks to be only a compleate loop. I would supose that Goofster is working on the just select faces bit ^o^
This is really great! Thanks Goofster!
There is one small problem though! The hotkey should not be SHIFTR.
Loop select is a selection tool and shift is an ‘add(Subtract)-to-selection’ hotkey for normal select/deselct methods. In the select linked mode (LKEY), Shift acts as a Deselect linked modifier. So shift should be a sepearate modifier key which allows you to select or deselect multiple loops!
1)hard to select additional loops
(currently in Blender: SHIFT+LMB for normal select, Border select and Edge select, Repeated use of Hotkey L for select linked)
I realise this is a wip, and that’s why it might be a good time to start discussing this!
Thanks Goofter! (…and Ztonzy and Theeth for the compiles!)
ps Uhm… also shouldn’t we shift this to a new thread? We’ve kindof rudely hogged Setanta’s thread ! Sorry Setanta! The loopcutter is still a great script!