Looptools addon

OK, afraid to ask, but where’s the looptools addon in 4.3?

It can be found in Extensions

you mean this one?

I’m on a closed company network… ffs, how is this a step forward. Forgive my venting.

Yes, you can either download straight through Blender, or go to the platform, download the addon and install it from disk.

It’s a step forward in a sense that there are a whole bunch of these addons, and most users will never ever use them, so they don’t need them eating up space.

If you have a previous version of blender as well, just copy and paste the addon to 4.3?
But the security aspect of extensions, pros and cons, have been discussed to death on the dev forum.
It works as it works as it is… :man_shrugging:


it’s a closed company network, no direct access to the internet.

thanks, I’ll try. This is a bummer.

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This issue of closed networks was brought up, and entirely ignored by the developers, so this is what we are stuck with :roll_eyes:


good to know. well, I’m not gonna put in an IT request every time I need a new addon activated so an old version it is. :slight_smile:

Verify “Allow Online Access” is checked.

If you can browse https://extensions.blender.org/ manually in a browser it is not blocked.

As I said - it’s a closed network, as most big studios are using. There is no direct access to the internet.

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Ok, but afaik if you can browse blender.org page from your workplace you should be able to download addons.

I can not. I can use VDI and put in a request to get it through airlock but it’s a tedium.

Do you understand what “no direct access to the internet” means?

It means “cannot go to that website.”

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:open_mouth: Didnt expect this from a company whos is not “high security” related.

Take about every big vfx studio. Which are arguably high security I guess.

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Can’t you download the package with your mobile, and then transfer it via USB to your machine?
I mean, you say you’re in a close network, but still posting here?!

Nah dude :smiley: No USB access, no drives no nothing, just a closed network, that’s it. I’m glad they don’t take my phone away at reception as many other companies do.

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I wonder how did they allow you to use Blender in the first place… :thinking:

They also allow Maya, Houdini, Nuke, etc. version controlled and maintained by IT. I can’t just willy-nilly install stuff or download stuff from the internet, as you can imagine that would be serious security risk in an organization with sensitive copyrighted data and thousands of employees.

If you have too much time on your hands you can go through the MPA Content Security Best Practices, which is maintained by the TPN. Or just go work for a bigger studio - it’s fun other than not having looptools out of the box arrearently.

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Well… If that’s the case, the best you can do is to file a ticket with the IT team, with the list of all addons that you require to work.

If they work like in my old company, you’ll be working in no time.