losing interest

im losing interest in blender because of the lack of understanding
can anyone save me?

what do you mean the lack of understanding.

Have you read the documentaition it guides you through almost everything in blender
from noob to pro

look under documentaion section

theres always google for tutorial etc… but read the documentation first

OH i forgot

check out @ndy’s work one of the best Blender heads out there.



Blender doesn’t work like windoze, instead everything is context sensitive. That means a Window is only active when your Mouse Cursor is in it, that Object Mode is a different context to Edit Mode, Pose Mode, Face mode etc…, and that Global Space is relative to the 3D Cursor and Local Space is relative to the Object Center.

Blender uses OOPS (Object Orientated Programming System), so before you can do anything you need to add an Object. Everything from then on is linked to that object as a DataBlock; Mesh, Material, Texture, Undo, Parent/Child heirarchy, IPO’s etc… The World, Cameras, Lamps are all treated as Objects.

How it fits together after that you have to learn. Those who grind away at the learning become Proficient. Those who become proficient and then push the limits by finding alternative uses for tools become Skilled.


Don’t be discouraged…ever. Also, keep in mind that there are alot of people that have tried Blender and quit only to return. The option as I see it for the functionality it is either Blender, or a whole lot of $$$.

Consider any failure as an opportunity to find what you did wrong, and learn from the mistake. And don’t compare yourself to anyone else. They have a head start. Only compare your talents and knowledge of today with your talents and knowledge of yesterday. Dont lose sight of how much you have improved.

Best of luck!!

thanx guys i would never have been here without you

If you want a good tutorial that teaches Blender, try this (the links in the article): http://www.blendernation.com/2006/02/25/blender-basics-2nd-edition/

The other place I recommend is the Wiki Manual.

The plain fact is making good 3d is hard. It takes dedication and talent.

I think almost every one of us has thrown our hands up a time or two out of frustration. It is normal. Heck, I’ve probably done it 1,000 times.

What seperates the good ones is they keep on at it and keep trying new things until it works. Sometimes I have a project, get frustrated, I’ll shelve it for a week or two. Then when I go back I have a clearer head and am better able to go at it again.

i dont have a way of modelling that i can use

That’s the hard part. Everyone has their own style and you’ll find your’s as you learn.

I know the feeling as I taught myself how to do 3d, no formal training. It does make it harder to figure things out. How to correctly compose a 3d model.

Look up Torq’s better face tutorial and the lizard tutorial by modron which Torq commented on technique. Though my face is still in it’s infancy, and I haven’t done the lizard, there’s a lot of knowledge in those threads on how to compose a model, it really helped me a lot.

It taught me how to look at the natural flow of an object and as I did that I found the vertices moving into place much easier. I started using those techniques on simpler models first, and now I’m getting to the more complex ones. Needless to say, the quality of my modeling has come a long way.

The main thing is, though, just keep at it. Nothing worth it really comes that easily.