Hey all,
Once again, I had a quick concept roughly 30 minutes ago, and before i forgot, did a quick little test render to start it off. This time, it was ‘Lost and Improvising’, where whomever is concerned is stranded, in a boat of some kind, on the ocean, and does not have the stereotypical bottle used to play the S.O.S note in. So, instead, he happens to have a rubber duck on-board ;). The render is of a hand placing the duck into the water, hoping for someone to find it. I know it’s strange, but that’s what I have so far. So, progress. I have a rubber duck, a temporary hand and the water, which I am not satisfied with, and I’m planning to change. I have yet to set up the lighting and I still have to do a background… possibly just sky. I have a question on that. I have used all methods I can think of… skydomes, boxes and even simple textured planes, but I have not come across a result I am happy with. Does anyone know another method of creating a background or backdrop? Here we go, simple duck, note, hand and water, with a black background. I have a long way to go before this is completed, hence the WIP thread.
Any suggestions, comments, critiques etc etc are all warmly welcome.