lost backround image

I am very new to blender. When I was working on a tutorial in the Wikibook, I accidentaly changed the view and now a backround image is gone. I have tried to reload the picture, save it as a different name. How can I get the image back?

Chances are you’re in perspective view.

Try pressing 1 on the Num keypad then 5 on the Num keypad.

If you rotate the view or enter perspective view (Num 5) then the image will disappear. It is only visible in straight, orthagonal views.

When you say you changed the view, do you mean you changed it by pressing 1, 3, or 7 on the numeric keypad? Or you changed the window from the 3d view window to something else?

You might try pressing the home key. You can also zoom out and in with your middle mouse button.

Also, make sure you are in orthographic view by clicking it in the view menu of the 3d window.

Also, you may have hit a number above the alpha keys and be on a different layer. Try hitting the tilde key (the one above the tab key).

Hopefully, one of those will help you.

Thanks for the quick responses. I finally got it fixed. It turns out I was in prespective view. Thanks !