LoVe At FiRsT SiGhT

Hey! how are you guys? I am ok, :wink: I ask you if you believe in love at first sight cause i really don’t know,i need some prooves…:S If its true, i am glad, :smiley: but if it doesn’t (aww :x sorry, right ¿?) hehehe :P. ok, gotta go…bye


Er, maybe you should take a basic english class and try again.


whatever happened to “love is blind”? this is the complete opposite only for those obsessed with looks…

Love at first sight exists!!!

What more proof do you need???

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW. since this is your first post here, welcome to


I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in crush at first sight. And even then, I’d say that not exactly first sight, but the combination of first three to five first sights :slight_smile:

And anyone who says looks are not important, is a lying git :slight_smile:
Looks is the thing that in most cases gives the first impression. Though nowdays with the 'net and stuff, looks are becoming less and less important… In the end though, when the love comes along, looks don’t matter anymore.

All of you who think they’d ask some butt-ugly guy/gal (that you don’t know at all) out, raise hands!

Love at first sight… hmm…

You do mean like in “Romeo & Juliet?” Sometimes it exists, but not too often does it really mean anything (like in “Romeo & Juliet”). I’m some kind of obsessive geek when it comes to that, and I’ve fallen in love at first sight numerous times. However, the girl I like most of all took me more time to figure out that I liked her: At first I just thought she was short (shorter than me, though you’d think a 7th grader wouldn’t be as tall as most of the 9th graders), then I started looking, and it just hit me like a train. (My analogies need work.)

PS: Funkifyingly good points, blengine. I think it’s probably the only way that cheerleaders get ahead in life (if they do): Looks over any kind of personality.

Yeah… like in “Microserfs,” where near the ending, one character is in love with a person they only know over the Internet, and they have some rather weird ideas of who it could be (i.e. a 47-year old wearing a diaper), but the guy doesn’t care who they are, because “he’s already in love with their insides.” “Though I hope that wouldn’t be the case…”

Well, I guess it works for the shallow people.

I’ve gotten hit by Love at first site a total of 4 times in my life. Methinks it’s a physiological reaction more than anything. A perfect set of circumstances that all hit at the same time.

Like around here when they manure the farms nearby, Love at first site is impossible I don’t care if a supermodel brushes by you and smiles. It also will never happen if you’re in Love already, (for real I mean). It also will only happen when you’ve got an emptyness somewhere, a vacuum that begs to be filled. So many variables, and they all gotta be lined up nicely AND there has to be a girl that you are inheirently attracted to.

It’s a nice thing to be enjoyed for the moment and nothing more. The major sucess stories you hear are the incredibly lucky, where the subject of their moment just so happens to be right for them too. Just remember, a subject of Love at first site has the same chance of being “the one” as any other random girl you see.

It’s just one of those really really nice things in life you cherish in memory. Following through with it can actually ruin the perfection.

Noway!!! :o

If I don’t “see” the “stuff”, I’m not buying… :stuck_out_tongue:

Serious, love at first sight really exists… It is as real as all the rest of our human instincts are…

Allthough if a relationship would come out, based only on the “looks”, that wouldn’t mean it would be a successfull relationship…

The first impression always counts…

But in the end what matters more is the “inside”… (well I prefer a combination of both the “inside” and “outside” ;)).


I’m there with you man :wink:

Serious, love at first sight really exists… It is as real as all the rest of our human instincts are…

It’s just a crush, love comes along later :wink:

The difference between “true love” and… uh… crushes, I guess, is that “true love” is shared, and a crush really isn’t. (Unless you’re really ballsy.)

this thread is suspiciously like a cubefan one :-?

firstly, IMHO, perfection doesn’t exit. but you are right about following through with it can mess it up, but that’s if you even get the chance to follow through with it.

I met this girl a couple of years back and i still can’t get her out of my mind. but for some reason it just wasn’t meant to be… :frowning:

that’s life i guess…


Uhhhmmm, well, just in case you’re serious right now, just relax man…

This is an Off Topic forum…

People can get as “Cubbie” as they want…


i hope no one else gets “cubbie” one is more than enough

hehe well, he is starting quick. It’s only his first post and its already like this. As Mr Bean would say: ‘brace yourself’ :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Unforunately this is one wish that will never be satisfied… :stuck_out_tongue:

This world is full of “Cubbies”… :stuck_out_tongue:

And there are 2 kinds of “Cubbies”:

The ones that they are annoying on purpose and the ones that just can’t help it for various reasons…

The problem is that you never know for sure if someone is purposely annoying, or he just needs your help… So unless they personaly offend me, I have 2 ways of dealing with them:

a) I will either try to “help” them see “things” more clearly, in a polite way (if I feel that they worth the trouble…), or…
b) Just ignore them, and go on with my own life…

Back to the Topic:

I will have to agree with blengine… Perhaps love is an extreme crush :P… That would strengthen the theory that love at first sight exists…

On the other hand, what comes later isn’t always love… You should allready know that in case you’re married… :wink:


Whew, I’m not alone. That gives me a little hope of finding a girl like me.

is that Jeffrey the Toys R US giraffe? LMAO :wink: :smiley:

ps: yes i believe in love at first sight…i fall in love with every girl i first spot on the street! LMAO :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

You know what they say: Love at first sight. Freedom when the eyes are closed. Actually…I’ve been with my girlfriend for three years, and I love her like crazy, eyes open or not. It wasn’t love at first site though. I met her on the net :wink:

Now, why does that not surprise me? :wink:

(says broken the hypocrite with no girlfriend :P)