low poly Velocoraptor wip

here is a very low poly velocoraptor that i made. he is needing repair in many places and i will be giving him textures later on.
the blend file is here,http://through-the-monsoon.deviantart.com/art/low-poly-velocoraptor-91924675
here is a pic of him. enhoy and plaese tell me if you see anything needing repair.http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs31/i/2008/198/6/f/low_poly_velocoraptor_by_through_the_monsoon.jpg


You could probably stand to out a little more detail around the heard area. Everything else look decent. Can’t wait to see it textured. Is it for a game or something?

yeah. i am trying to make my own models and textures and such for a free game called saurerbraten. it’s basicaly a free source game. and thanks. i shall add more detail to the head.