Hello, I have a question, I always do lowpolys that do not reach 500-800 vertices, but this time I made one and it was more complex, but I am left with 2486 vertices, is it still lowpoly or is it midpoly? It has flat smooth and I feel like it looks lowpoly, my problem is only the number of vertices,
Sorry if I have spelling mistakes, I don’t speak English, I use a translator
Judging from an aesthetics perspective, I’d still call it low-poly: the helmet is 8-sided, the arms are 6-sided, although both, in reality, would be completely round for such a character.´
But don’t let the low-poly-police catch you, the vertex limit for low-poly characters is 1753
hehe, thanks for your comment, I think you have several vertices for your suit that covers the legs, I extruded it and it was made like those squares, at the edges it increases the vertices a lot, I will try to optimize it but keep the quality because I like how it looks haha
I hope the lowpoly police don’t capture me, I don’t want them to torture me for months and then throw my corpse in the trash: c