Lowpoly short portuguese traditional saying - school project

Well , school is over (YEEEEAHHH!) , so i thought of sharing the last project for one of the disciplines - Introduction to Design.The objective was to make ilustrations of short Portuguese traditional sayings. Here is the outcome, with the saying underneath, plus my atempt at translation (this is my literal translation, probably it is diferent in native English at least):

“A galinha da minha vizinha é sempre melhor que a minha”
“My neighbour hen is better than mine” - Jelousy

“Boda molhada, boda abençoada”
“Wet Wedding day, blessed wedding day”

"Casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau "
“Blacksmith House, wooden skewer”

“Entre marido e mulher, não se mete a colher”
“Don’t get between usband and wife”

“Gaivotas em terra, tempestade no mar”
“Seaguls on shore, sea storm”

“Lua nova trovejada, 30 dias é molhada”
“Thundered full moon, 30 days of rain”

“Nuvem baixa sol que racha”
“Low cloud , cracking sun”

“Para baixo todos os santos ajudam”
“Downward every saint will help”

:smiley: LOL
This is an interessant project… you could do more, as there are so very good portuguese sayings. :slight_smile:

Yeah^^ interesting and clear looking :slight_smile:
how did u do the wave effect ?
-think i got it : particle system + displacement mod. ?

ha… no! actually i just used a wave modifyer with duplivertexes. :slight_smile:


This cracked me up xD And using bones for the lightning was very clever! Muito bom! ^^

really like the style. like 3D pixels. keep it up!

^^hmm thats an easier way :stuck_out_tongue: especially for animating it as u did :slight_smile:

Thanks! actually i stretched 2 vertexes on a cube to create the bone-like thing, so no… not real bones :smiley: