LSystem script

Hi everybody,
Repliyng to SHABA1’s query in the WIP forum :

A time ago,
I posted a few messages in the WIP forum concerning a tutorial I made for Lsystem, if some people have missed here are the adresses:
Little update of the english version part one here :
New : english version, part two :
Still working on…

the script neolstseed is available on jmSoler’s site.
you can dowload the file here below:

here the zip file for Blender 2.25/2.26/2.27
Here the zip file for Blender 2.28

Have fun

Thanks, I had the Lsytem script with seed for 228 but didn’t know how to use the seed features for fruit ect, now I do. I appreciate your tutorials and the fact that there is an English version too. Much appreciated.

glad to hear that :slight_smile:
I’m sure i can still improve.
Do not hesitate to send me some feeback if you test the
tut, (the remarks will be welcome)
perhaps pictures of your tests?

Regards, Fmurr
<share with the others if you want them to share with you>.