[ Lucious Breasts ] - [ 30 Minutes ] - [ Sculpty Tool Only ] - [ NUDITY / NWS ]



Curse you!!! Why don’t you do cool stuff when I’m here!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Luscious breasts was the topic of the contest? Cool :]
I vote Friedbrain. These breasts look so unrealistic they look like pornbreasts.

thanx for the Support vliegtuig :smiley: , yeah this breasts look like inflatable doll material, I think protocoldoug modeled an excellent nipple.

Awww! I know I could have modeled this! It would be a pain to find references though :rolleyes:.

So are you saying you can only join us at the time of mardi gras?

i completely misread the title
i thought it was …beasts…lol

What must have been on your mind… What would Freud say about it, I wonder :smiley:

anyone notice this has a lot more views than other topics? lol

I actually read beasts too. My mind shut out the possibily of breasts on this forum apparently. The mind sees what it wants too see (or not see in this case lol)