Hi I’m Lump, my real name is Ludwig. Been working on and off with Blender for the past 3 years.
I thought I had posted something a day ago but I guess since it is still not there I made a mistake.
Anyways, here is my current project Hobo. An animation exercise about a hen that run away from the hen house.
Hi I like the overall look of the hen. The picture you have on profile pic is very cool too
I have a few remarks. I’m not a specialist in animation at all, so it’s just my opinion.
First of all its gait is a bit strange. Its head goes back and forth but it goes back too much, it shouldn’t really move back relatively to the environment. If you look at birds and especially chickens, their head just stops a little while then goes forward again. I don’t know if it’s intentional but at least that’s the first thing that I find a bit weird when I look at your animation.
The second thing is, the eye material looks strange. Particularly from the middle of the video to the end, the eye appears blue like the sky, and even ‘melts’ with it when it goes away. It’s probably very glossy, I think it would be more white.
Thanks @asmoth Great input. I see it too the eyes are too blue. Good point. I probably made them a tiny bit blue. I’ll check and make them white®.
I’’ try and make its head move less back too. I watched a video on YouTube. A chicken head moves really funny. It moves forward into “Global Space” but then stays still and the body follows if that makes sense. Perhaps I overdid the forward motion. I’ll try to get it aligned with the movement of the feet.
Again thanks a lot!
Thanks! My sole purpose in life, making people smile
I’m switching to blender internal rendering for Hobo the Chicken. Cycles takes 3 days to render my scene and it still has noise. So reconstructing all the materials and going for internal. David Ward is so right
I already posted some of these on the BlenderArtists facebook group. But since facebook messes up the images I rather post here.
Anyway… 1 and 2 are older and 3 is a result of comments on 1 and 2. 3 has a rust map and I made the material darker because I looked at references and noticed that “old” copper is darker.
I think the 2 materials of 3 should be combined for an even nicer result and I’m going to now and post in the next post.
Did you do that copper in blender internal? I think it looks really cool with the blue. I love your chicken character! Are you going to do something more with it? your fox walk looks a bit weird. His feet look like they are sliding. It also looks like his hips are too stationary. I find it hard to do walk cycles in place, so I like to actually animate my characters moving in space. Yes I have to animate each step, but I can be sure there is no food sliding, and I can have my steps be slightly different to break up the animation.
Oops, it’s been a while since I was on BlenderArtist due to the fact I was moving.
Thanks for your comments @Scotchtapeworm
The copper ones are rendered with Cycles. The node tree is pretty crazy. The chicken is something that I’m still working on. It is my practice model to improve my animation skills.
New Renders! I am working on a short movie named Chicken Run with OpenGL rendering. Hope will be the star in this movie. I’m going for a 50s atmosphere.