I am having trouble configuring the Luxblend exporter System tab. I am not sure which is the GUI executable file i need to specify, and which one is the lux console file I need to specify (although Im pretty sure its the luxconsole-icc-static), because when i export a scene, well, nothing happens, the console does not open.
I appended a screenshot.
Thanks, I’m jsut starting out to use Lux as you can see…
The paths from top to bottom are the fully qualified path names to luxrender, luxconsole, and the default output folder. Luxblend (@SHABA1: this is the interface to the Luxrender physically-based renderer) can be configured to just output the necessary files without running luxrender. If you want it to run after exporting, make sure the ‘run’ option is clicked; it is located to the right of the ‘Render’ button.
If you have the ‘run’ option clicked and it is not starting, you would probably be better served to ask on the user support forum at http://luxrender.net/.