Luxrender with Blender 2.56 beta

Hi there

(first; happy to see this forum finally, after being down for days ;))

I’m not exactly sure whether I should post this question here, or under plugins or under rendering, but I had to pick one:

The issue;

I’m using blender 2.56 beta, downloaded from
I now want to test luxrender with it.
but I’m not sure what it needs to work. -

I found the luxrender install tutorial on, but I still need some answers.

  1. There is a newer version of luxrender (0.8 to be exact) than in the tutorial. I thought well, newer = better and downloaded that one. :wink:

Further I downloaded the last luxblend25 from the luxrender forum with the manuals right below.

(I skipped the pylux step for now (thought, that I’ll do that later on)…)

and followed the instructions from the tutorial - which means that I copied the luxrender folder into the addons folder - exactly how jonathan williamson did so in his tutorial.

I still can’t even see the addon in the addons-window in blender.

So, I went to graphicall. org
just to get a little confused…

What do I have to download there? Isn’t the blender 2.56 beta from the newest version?

Is this for example;
graphicall. org/ builds/ builds/ showbuild. php?action=show&id=1596
(delete the spaces… somehow as a new user I couldnt post any link…)

which seems to be “blender 2.5.3” newer than blender 2.56 beta…

I was hoping that somebody could tell me some hints to get the luxrender/luxblend25 working with my newest (?) blender 2.56.

Thanks for every help.


Blender 2.56a beta from is “old”, the builds from tkroo are clean trunk builds. The latest is revision 34939, the latest revision this morning (GMT) is revision 34953. The developers fix bugs or change things about 10 times a day.
I have to put the luxrender folder in the io folder. If the the pylux version don´t fit with your system the plugin is not showing in the render menue, move it or rename it. You don´t have materials preview then, but the plugin works.

Cheers mib

Thx for the answer, but I got it working anyway. I just downloaded a blender build vom the luxrender-forum, which was including all the stuff i needed. luxblend25 already installed and so on. Had a little test yesterday and it seemed to work.
Luxrender itself crashed once quite hard so that it couldn’t be restarted, but it aint stable neither, so no wonder. (luxrender 0.8)

but thx again.