M.A.D boxer

This is a small project I am working on. This is originally a figure I got in a M.A.D magazine along time ago.

sketch + wire + render


Hey nice model you got there…um…but I think the arms looks too twisted…

yes, thats because they are rotated 90 degrees…, but yes, I will check the loops a bit more.

Well, not much of an update, but this was some in between math modeling again. Heart, rotation, boots and some other tweaks have been made. Just eyes, tounge and some minor fixes, then I will rig it.


great mesh, cool style, love it ! Only crit at the moment is that the breast muscles look a bit
flat and the legs are quite short… but that’s on purpose, i guess…
Was the mesh box modelled? or face by face ?

Really looking foreward for updates !!!

The face is face-by-face modeled, everything else is cylindermodeled, I use cylinders with 8 edges. The benefit is that I never have to make arms “round” as you have to when u box model.

Here is a low poly tutorial for cylinder modeling,

Another update, added eyes and the tounge.

Edit: removed artifact on torso.


one thing: The big bulging part of the forearm(the muscle) is too close to the wrist. Should be back near the elbow.
Thats all I can see so far…

Thanks, I will fix that… the figure isn’t anatomically correct, but it will probably look better as you suggested. Will post a fix and the rigging tomorrow.

He looks great, stylistically, everything’s clear and concise looking, but the thing is, his torso looks way too square, it might look fine on the x axis, and it might look fine on the y axis, but those two view don’t often reveal the square corners between. Try and round things off on the z axis a bit.

The body is actually not a modeled from a box, and the reference model I got is very square. But I made some tweaks and hopefully they are to the better. I havent paid much attention to the back yet, but I am not sure I want to much details on it though.

Also fixed some nasty loop-problems near the gloves.


That’d be it. Nice model. :]

Looking great! Keep it up!

Looks great! Only I do feel that the legs should be slightly longer.

hey tef, thanx for the link, cool !
ah, and you fixed the breast muscle…

keep it up,

Hey ho!

Long time no see everyone! I finally got some free hours to spend on my w.i.p. I have allmost finished texturing and he is now fully rigged for posing. This is supposed to be his victory pose but there are some torn pieces I need to model in around his finger on the left glove.

Any C&C is appreciated.

Edit: Look here for better quality! :


I zoomed in a bit to give my textures more justice. I noticed the little skin stretch where the glove begins on his right hand. So don’t bother to comment on that :slight_smile:

Ok. Had time to model today and I started on the boxing ring. I will start texturing it this weekend if I manage to get some spare time.


Ok. I need to do the background, either I will just make it a gradient or I will mix it with some 2d technuiqe. This is my best try so far, any ideas on how to make a cool background for this piece?


Ok. I scrapped the 2D-crowd because I realised it pulls down everything to a lower lvl.

Here are my new updates:

First I wated a more comical scene so I am gonna model in a bigger fella which are goin to be knocked out in the background. And Rocko himself will be a little nasty cheater with horseshoes in his gloves. Which actually he actually has in “real life”.

