M1 Garand

I decided to make a rifle to go in my Jeep since it is supposed to have a rifle holder… and to try something different.

So, I started on a M1 Garand and before long I had this:

I think it’s coming along nicely for about 3 hours work.


looking cool keep it up :wink:

Did some work on the stock today. Got the front guard almost complete and the stock roughed in.


I got a lot more done on the stock, but I’m having trouble figuring out a good topography for the grip area. That’s why there’s a gap between the receiver area and the butt. I have some ideas, but it’s getting late so I’ll try tomorrow.

Anyway, enjoy.



Stock is done. Now to do the upper cover and then the receiver and trigger groups.


Very nice progress and attention to detail! looks good


Started on the receiver instead of the top cover. It’s been a real pain with all the different curves and what not. I’ve started over 3 times so far and this is the best looking one yet.


Finished up the rear hand guard… and the pic I was using for the receiver must have some distortion in it because the receiver is too short.

Oh well, practice makes perfect… LOL


Decided to play with textures again… not completely happy with the grain pattern on the stock, but it’s better than white… :slight_smile:


It’ll going to have cartridge? And wood could be more dark IMO.
…And no matter how hard you try (Evil laughter), you can’t model best thing about Garand. ‘Ching! Oh crp, oh crp, empty clip…!’ ; )

But seriously, very good job. Could you post a wireframe?

Or M1 thumb when you’re hastily reloading a fresh clip… LOL

Thanks for the compliment. I’m not sure how to get a good wireframe picture other than a screenshot, so here it is. I photoshopped the separate parts into one file.

The orange highlighted part is a separate piece for the metal band that goes there.

Critique is always welcome… especially if there is a better way to do the topography. I’m still new at this. :slight_smile:


Ok, since he mentioned it, I had to build one… Plus it’ll make a good prop to put in the Jeep once I do a scene.

Took me about 2 hours to work this out. I’m not 100% happy with the metal materials, if anyone has any suggestions on how to get better material settings for metal, please let me know.


Looking good man

Thanks… I’m still fighting with the receiver. It’s looking decent, but the geometry is all kinds of ugly.

Moved the textures off since it was kind of distracting.


post the wires of the reciever…

Ok, but I warn you, it’s ugly… I actually managed to get the polys in the sight mount (the round things) to spiral, so when you tried to loop cut it would wrap the entire lower half of the receiver and mount… LOL


And here’s a solid view.


To start off with it has a lot of verts… which just makes it harder to work with… have you tried modeling this piece in seperate parts… you might also wanna use a mirror modifier so you only have to model one side… anyway its like 4 AM… I’m checking out…
good luck