M9 Bayonet Knife

Introducing to you my new project that I made in Zbrush, Blender, Rizom UV, Marmoset Toolbag, Substance Painter and Photoshop. The model has 1,354 vertices, 4,050 edges, 2,700 faces, and 2,700 triangles with two texture resolution of 4k.

I hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions about the process or the model itself, feel free to ask me.


what is Rizom UV ? why you need it? can’t you just unwrap uvs in blender?

Rizom UV is a professional software for unwrapping, but I do UV in Blender. I import my UV to Rizom UV just for packing because the packing feature in Blender is not good, but Rizom UV is amazing.

get UV-Pack-Master, it’s awesome blender addons.

I have tried it, but it is not good for my workflow.