Mac: M2 Ultra - *VR (Part 2)

I recall the SDK license made that impossible, and I imagine it would be a low priority even if it were possible.

Was close to come back to Apple ecosystem, but local pricing just killed me, and gave up. Was checking Mac Studio (24‑Core CPU, 60‑Core GPU, 32‑Core Neural Engine) … in USA price is 4kUSD, in Germany 5KUSD and here is 6.5K USD … damn it. Need to move to USA :smiley:

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Make a trip to here and I get you an EDU price.

But I agree the price differences are irritating.

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Apple’s pricing does make it hard to buy the higher spec models. There are some lower spec Mac mini’s that are “affordable”, which I grabbed an M1 for $800 (?) when it first came out, but still are limited in areas concerning 3D. The little machine has been well worth the $800 but next upgrade will be a full fledge M3 Studio, which honestly may be out of my budget. :crazy_face::nerd_face:

Perhaps pretty soon Eevee Next will become usable:

I am curious if Metal3 is used for raytracing.

I honestly have some concerns. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a great plugin for Maya - Furryball. Its creators came up with the silly idea of adding raytracing to this wonderful tool. This caused it to become unusable and it died. I hope this doesn’t happen to Eevee Next.


EEVEE is already very usable.
Why or how did you make those EEVEE renders look so bad? lol


Please read my post in full and with understanding. It is about Eevee N E X T.

I didn’t do anything with the Eevee renderer - I just changed the engine and fired up the rendering. The point is that Eevee Next is starting to look cool.

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Yeah, but the point still stands that you did something very wrong with your Eevee render to get those results


That’s what I was doing. :man_shrugging: Your very first sentence said EEVEE is unusable.

EEVEE next will be a great advancement for Blender and I look forward to it. But EEVEE’s usability doesn’t rely on just switching the render settings to EEVEE from Cycles. There are several settings you’ll have to dial in if you want to convert the image. This will be true with EEVEE next too, just not as many.

Converting an image from Cycles to EEVEE will always take work, but if starting from an EEVEE base template and not a conversion then that work is minimal.
Many many artist on the webs are producing EEVEE projects that take a trained eye to recognize it’s not Cycles being used.


It’s funny how for certain types of shots, EEVEE can actually “feel” considerably more realistic than Cycles. I do hope EEVEE Next retains that quality, whatever it is.


BTW…some of you might be aware of this, but Apple is now officially selling refurbished Mac Studios. A base config M2 Ultra is $600 off which IMHO brings it more in line with what it should have been priced at in the first place. Personally I’ve been buying refurbished from Apple for a long time and I’ve always had a great experience, and yes they come with a full warranty.


Agreed, on both accounts.
Sometimes I find myself using the EEVEE shot and being more pleased.


I saw that.
I’ve been trying to not read too much into this news, but Macrumors is saying this “may” be a precursor to M3 being right around the corner… as in this month. But they are even a little cautious on drawing that correlation.

Agree on the pricing too.

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I can see them finally releasing an update to the iMac before the end of the year, but I think M3 Studios are still ways away unfortunately. The earliest that we might see some movement for the type of machines that most of us are interested in would probably be late Spring or WWDC, I think.


It was not my intention to depreciate your beloved Eevee (old/original). Especially as I love it myself. Nevertheless, it’s clear that shadows and reflections are terrible in Eevee and you often have to work hard to make them look good. What I wanted to point out is that RT shadows and reflections have recently been enabled in Blender Alpha 4.0.1 Eevee NEXT and it looks promising.
I also pointed out that RT about 10 years ago was incorporated into a renderer originally based on rasterisation (Furryball) and this killed it (in my opinion).


The RT done by Eevee Next is not something so sophisticated. It is screen space ray tracing, something that has plagued has been used by most game engines over the past decade. It depends on what is currently being displayed on your screen.

It won’t benefit from dedicated hardware cores or Metal 3, as it is not that type of raytracing.

Hopefully Eevee Next’s architectural rewrite and use of modern APIs such as Metal and Vulkan will eventually make this kind of things possible, though :slight_smile:


I don’t know why people do this online. Can we a have a discussion without eluding to the person you disagree with as a fanatical?

I disagree. Like I said earlier if you are converting a scene that was made for Cycles it “may” need considerable work or not. But a scene that was designed for EEVEE can look just as or almost as good as Cycles. And as others have said sometimes better.

Below is a demo scene that was made for Cycles. I applied an Irridiance Volume and a reflection cube map. Pretty simple. I made quick tweak to the glass (replacing with EEVEE Glass would have been better) and made adjustment to the robot smoke. 2 minutes of work tops.

I get your point. We all know EEVEE next is going to be better. That seems pretty obvious. But not knowing how to use OG EEVEE an making claims that it’s “Unusable” “…shadows and reflections are terrible” is just wrong. No fanboy needed on my part to point that out lol.




I am new to Blender.
But I also had problems with poor shadow quality in Eevee
for pretty basic tests with a plane and a few cubes with a single light.
I also tried to play with all settings and resolutions and did not reach
any better result than what I get in all my other (CAD or 3D) App’s
OpenGL or Shaded Viewports out of the box.

It is pretty likely that this is still a user error from my side,
but so far I did much easier and better with less or no effort elsewhere.

I do not like if a Shadow starts some cm behind the objects and such things.

And I am also not a big fan of screen space (only) reflections, but OK,
as it is real time rendering and generally better than no reflections …
sometimes I make use of it, sometimes I prefer the cheap flat shaded
look without a half of reflections.

Or if I see it from the Twinmotion perspective, as a Mac user,
new integration of Lumen and so quality GI, for me is overall far more
impressing than still missing the Path Tracer or Nanite.
I would love to have these too of course.

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But that is a cartonish scene not a “real lfe” scene comparison. For me Eeeve Next would have been cancelled and Cycles pushed to RT capability.

So is the one the OP posted.