Mac: M2 Ultra - *VR (Part 2)

The release schedule is dictated by the sales figures/inventory and the pressure from the competitors. Nvidia, being a petty company, wants to release their stuff before the others do. So if AMD and Intel is cooking something, Nvidia has to push ahead and fire their shot first. Apple may follow their Iphone model and do releases every year, unless they decide to slow down.

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Or maybe later for 50 series.

Rumors still point to 40 super cards in early 2024.

I guess we will se in January.

They do the Super and Ti cards halfway through the cycle, just to keep the punters interested. The 20 series had the Supers and the 30 had the Tis and the next gen arrived a year after.

There is no way they will let AMD release their cards first and be the top dog in gaming, even for a month.

Yes but they have 40 Tis and now add supers :thinking:

Perhaps the 50 series got delayed.

So super is better the TI or will they call them super Ti :wink:

The leather jacket will be the judge of that.

Comparing a brand new Apple chip, to a dated nVidia chip… ok…

I’ve no doubt that the current MacBook is faster than that old 3DFX voodoo card I have in a drawer somewhere.

And 50% is “comparable”? Half the crowd seems to be filled with excitement over a 10% generational gain, but 50% slower is comparable?

No it’s not. It’s like I said the graph in perspective makes it look close but it’s not at all comparable… Anyway I got octane x working and I will do some tests but it looks m3pro beats a 2070. This is without ray intersection acceleration, I will test the volume test scene from the otoy forum later.


Relax man. I totally agree that Nvidia cards are powerful. As powerful and massive as I don’t know what. Indeed even more powerful than Voodoo.

Yes it is comparable in the sense that it’s in the same magnitude / ballpark first time in years. When you look at the whole picture, that means M3 Ultra (with more comparable wattage) will be really comparable with some of the serious nvidia cards.

Also unified memory is nothing to sneeze at. 100GB raytracing scenes are now a possibility, and only in this platform.


That’s exactly what will happen. I don’t understand why some people praise Nividia so much. I have all 3 systems running :-). With the Mac you can only run OpenSource programs and don’t even need the App Store or an account with Apple. And then there’s the brutal UNIX.

Hmmh, that Miani video was kind of a strange test scenario.

Cinebench … CPU Rendering
When we already know that Apples CPU cores did not made much
progress in architecture, beside some “overclocking” and you easily
range them by core count.
And CPUs not likely have high priority for Apple.

And again Blender Classroom only tests.
Or comparing between the same video accelerator engines.

GPU cores had some stable gains and with M3 now noticeable gains
already even with non optimized Apps.
And optimized Apps may be even more promising.

Something to keep in mind when looking at previous generations
at reduced price.
Even for the M1 Ultra vs M2 Ultra, here 3200 € vs 4300 €, that looks
reasonable at first glance. You will get an M1 Ultra for the price of a
M2 Max with 64 GB.
But for GPU the M2 is nearly twice as fast as the M1 because of its
scaling problems. If GPU is important, M1 Ultra is no more a good deal.
And this seems to be even worse for the M2 vs M3.

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I am a little disappointed about the M3 3nm SoCs improvements.
As i already said for the A17.
The A17 is not so much faster than I expected although not saveing
any energy.
The M3 got a bit more transistors and cores, higher clock speeds
and again a bit more energy hungry.
And the M3 is finally what I expected for the M1 Pro/Max/Ultra
or at least for the M2 (proper scaling AND RT HWAC)

Beside that sophisticated whining, I am of course totally happy with
the M3 Max (and hopefully soon M3 Ultra without much extra M3 tax)

CPU performance is important. Here the CPU/GPU load in one of my animations:

7 fps and the GPU is bored.

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Yes, for me still too.
That is why I am interested mostly in the Ultra’s double cores.
As Pro and Max were equal in the past anyway.
But Apple corrected that for M3 by degrading the Pro …

But I do not think that CPU is a priority for Apple.

A laptop 4070 can do 19 seconds in Classroom. I concur that Classroom is already outdated.

Not mine, and it took me a minute to find where I had seen this… of course it was reddit. :laughing:


Talking about RAM Macbook Pro 8GB vs 16Gb

Thank goodness I’m going to opt for the rumored 256GB RAM version when the M3 Ultra is announced. :slight_smile:


What score should the laptop 4070 have so that Classroom is not outdated?


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