Mac: M3 - *Hardware accelerated RT (Part 1)

They have announced new Macs at WWDC before, so the hope wasn’t entirely without precedence.

There was mainly one thing about Apple for this year.
The transition to own ARM Apple Silicon.
They brought, not expected, pretty impressing M! devices
last November.
And now many developers are looking for a roadmap of the
hardware they design their future Software for …
and nothing at all about ARM transition on WWDC ?

Doesn’t make much sense.
Don’t get it.

If the next salamit tactic slice of hardware comes only in October
or later my Hardware-abandoned-don’t care-about-freelancers-
and-Pros trauma will just trigger again.

yeah I know I am not sure if it was the right move they did and me too I was hoping for at least Macbooks at WWDC even if it is not what I am waiting for.

I am just so curious what performance updates they will bring.

A new perhaps not very reliable rumor says August.

Also watched this just now.

For some reason I could not help it and think “are they trying to copy OSX” :wink:

Apple just released some new M1 products. They have to juice the sales of those for at least 6 months, so you will be waiting a while. Just ask yourself what would a company that only care about max profit do?

What gets me in this message board is everyone is like there is a rumored 128 core Apple, or Apple is going to make something faster than Nvidia. Rumors and reality are two different things. Here is reality.
You want lots of cores on your CPU here it is.
You want a fast GPU go to ebay and sort by Lowest Price, Buy It Now. Yes scalpers suck!
Those are not rumors that may never come. Stop wasting you lives. I’m saying this because I was always saying I got time. Now I feel like I got to get stuff done. I regret waiting. Don’t wait for a new software feature or having your worked slowed by a slow cpu or gpu.

I was always a kind of workstation user.
When I switched to Mac, after using my family members to test
Mac usefulness by stuffing them out with all kind of iMacs,
I switched by a Mac Pro 2.1 which was far over my typical
custom PC budget before.
OK there were 17" MacBook Pro or Mac Mini Server in between
just for fun and out of interest but the predecessor was again the
not beloved Mac Pro Trash Can.

Again out of interest there is a M1 Mac Mini and it is impressive
and astonishing that it is capable of opening even my ugliest
crappiest CAD and 3D files - one at a time.
But who would ever downgrade from a Mac Pro to an entry level
device like a MacBook Air for his 3D stuff …

Where is my (accessible) Apple “Pro” stuff.
I am suffering since 2012. Do they get back in track soon, after
their Trash Can failure that took them at least five years to even
admit, or do they need another 3 years to get back.

Or do I need to go to a M1 iPad and change my profession ?

A little bit, yeah. And you know what? I’m all for it! :smiley:

Though I have to wonder, why didn’t they just install the OS to their machines directly, rather than taking all the time and effort setting up all their hardware to passthrough to the VM?

…they probably say why during the beginning of the video, but I skipped that part.

edit: Okay, they said it won’t install on bare metal. Just ignore everything else in my post, except for the top part. Don’t even read it.

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Just do it ?

I even have, an ever upgrading, PC since late 2018.
In 2007 I was sure that would never happen again.

Yes, there is/was Corona and Chip shortages. But how long
is it ok to left demanding Freelancers in the rain, because
someone has something more promising it its pipeline …

“Nothing exciting is happening from Apple this year”

You guys are dorks. lol

M1’s came out at the very end of last year which has the chance to revolutionize the computer industry. Even more impressive M1 16GB Mini LED iPads just got announced, and we are only early into the 6th month. The demoed advancements of MacOS 12 shown off at WWDC ac couple of weeks ago should be enough by itself.

Can you Windows guys stay in your lane? We aren’t coming into your threads hyping Mac stuff. We have chosen a thread to talk about Mac gear and its future, and are respecting the other topic threads by keeping it here.
But some of y’all seems to be bent on making sure this stays a Windows/PC thread. lol :slight_smile:

I’m not wasting my life waiting. I literally open Blender every single day and work on my animation film, with my new state-of-the-art $800 Mac I bought at the beginning of the year. :slight_smile:

I think you’re miss understanding the difference between “be impatient and settle for what’s available” and “If you’re happy with what you have then practice patience and purchase what you really want”

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Well tbf everyone here is a power user, they aren’t very interested in iPads.

M1’s came out at the very end of last year … MacOS 11 shown off at WWDC ac couple of weeks ago

As you said, both of those were last year. Great advancements in technology, but the statement was referring to this year. As for macOS 12, its a feature update, there isn’t much to gawk at. Ive been using it and its the same as macOS 11 with a few bugs and tweaks here and there

How many years do I suffer now from Apple’s missing hardware

I was in the same boat actually. Disappointed by intel year after year and stuck with my 2009 MacBook. Probably should’ve upgraded a bit sooner but the jump from a core 2 duo to an m1 was massive.

Sorry, I meant Mac OS 12 :slight_smile: Been saying 10 for so long now I forgot that Big Sur was 11.

I slightly disagree about lack luster of 12. It’s laying some pretty interesting new foundations to build on.

True, but to take his original comment in context of just 3D and what we here would use it for is making it a narrow band.

To say Apple hasn’t continued its development but only mean for the 3D industry would be hard for me to guess in context of what was said. So Yeah, I included the M1 iPad for surprising products launched this year.

I agree that mini led is pretty cool in general though, I hope it gets applied to future products, especially MacBooks. Brighter, looks better, and takes less power.


Maybe not in the world of 3D/CGI, but I can personally say that industries are already “power” using the iPads.
I was helping a buddy on set this past weekend and the Data Wrangler already had an 2021 iPad Pro worked into her workflow. With the new Thunderbolt 4 port she was off loading 12k (BMD UMP) files from the Mac straight to the iPad, lightning fast and then handing it to the director.
I’m assuming she still needed the Mac in the chain on count of the multiple External SSDs connected for back-ups.
The iPad was handling the files while showing synced multi camera shoots running in real time. And with the 1600 nit (max) screens it makes daytime outdoor viewing super choice.

We may not be using the iPad yet but there are already industries using it at the middle to highest levels.


I will try to use the iPad for some 3d work.
I have been playing with Nomad Sculpt and it seems great also looking forward for Procreate to release the 3d painting update.

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Hi Guys. I have to confess something. I am working on a rather large project at the moment and I am crying. I see how beautifully, smoothly, quickly and comfortably the Mac works. Everything just flies at work. Until I have to fire up a PC to raytracing something. It makes me want to howl and cry that I have to use this f**king windoze piece of shit next to a my beautiful machine because there is no Cycles for a Mac.
That’s all. Don’t worry. I feel a bit better now.



Apple updated some pro apps today.


Hello everyone.
I recorded a new video in which I compare the render times of different scenes in Blender 2.93 and Cycles X on a MacBook Pro with an M1 chip and 16 GB of memory.

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This is so random to the point of being kinda pointless. Cycles X goes from longer to shorter times seemingly at a whim.

I’d love to understand why certain scenes show Cycles X up to 2 times faster, and others show it to be twice as slow.

Without a clear explanation as to what is causing Cycles X to be faster or slower and why, the video doesn’t really convey useful information.

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I thought Cycles did work on Mac now?