Not sure this is the one from the 21 the other ones must have been from the 18th I think, the day I got the 14 core 14” and was curious how it behaves.
The Sinosauropteryx Prima scene might be worse, can’t remember blender using a wopping 58 Gb of memory last time and taking close to 4 min to get the BVH ready.
Fairly certain memory pressure was like 60ish % last time but it is as 87% now.
Also uses more memory on the gpu or so it seems as I cant tell how much memory it assigned to it.
Also still at 0 samples rendered it seems, this looks bad.
2048 tile size is definitely a now go anymore…
As I am watching TV I might as well try some more.
Well good news is 512 Tile size with the latest build is 100 sec faster than 2048 with an older build.
You obviously haven’t tried these new machines. These are high performance computers that blow away similar laptops, especially when running on battery.
Now they don’t have accelerated RT and whether Apple goes down the path to include RT cores in future designs is yet to be seen. I think it’s a coin toss at the moment.
To be fair, the M1 Max is comparable to laptop 3080 performance in everything but RT. And it’s a lot quieter. The CPUs are stellar. Add to that dedicated hardware media codecs and you have to admit, they impressed with the first generation of Apple Silicon.
I absolutely would love that, but RT is quite a huge thing and the price tag is also quite different. I really hope Apple comes out with M2 with lot of GPU power and RT this year, because Windows sucks so much.
It’s no surprise to me to get an arrogant response like this from an Apple consumer, the M1 is the best ultrathin, next to it it’s the best, I never said no, but the topic is about performance, and in terms of performance, it is not a high performance computer, its numbers are similar to old and outdated cards, when we refer to the new M1 Max, they are not yet high performance, you can leave them as intermediaries, but high performance you only get from notebooks dedicated to this purpose, just because it meets your day-to-day needs doesn’t mean you can call it a “high performance notebook” it is equivalent to 1660 Ti boards that are outdated boards, you have the attitude to defend everything you the brand makes it segamente won’t make any progress, i hate the brand but i love its design, i criticize and will continue to criticize until they deliver a product that is more than something beautiful and expensive…
you’re talking about CPU, the M1 max will never beat a 3080 in graphics processing, it’s one thing to process data and simple tasks, another is to process video
Impressive, but in Blender tests it was far behind, my interest in Blender, the forum is about Blender and in Blender it is behind…
when I criticized above, it was just thinking about Blender, when I said that there was no way to escape gaming notebooks, it was precisely because the performance in blender has many bugs, and when you work with it, you can’t have a notebook that can leave you… and you end up losing the client, that was exactly what I based on… but I never said that the macbook is bad or anything like that, as I said, in the ultrathin segment it is impressive and the best.
@Tiwaz are you still getting the current black screen shader editor bug? It has been resolved for me in the latest build but I’m not seeing “Resolved” on the bug report.
well yeah marketing talk is marketing talk on each side.
for 3D yeah the MBP max can be defeated. But still compared to the workflow too.
What’s the point of having a vacuum under your fingers that runs out of battery in 3 hours.
What is the point of a laptop then ?!
And there Apple has a point ! And that’s not marketing.
Considering performance per Watt Apple does deliver really impressive resutls.
I have the impression that you don’t even want to read what I wrote, it can’t be more clear, macbooks are from the premium ultrathin segment, they’re the best at it, it’s a segment that addresses everything you said, but not can you say that it is the best notebook for those who work with Blender, for the series of reasons that we discussed above, I came here precisely to draw my own conclusion based on your discussion, and I came to the conclusion that in the current state if I buy a macbook with the m1 chip i can end up having problems with bugs and so i can put my career at risk, unless i had two computers and one was not m1, then it would not make sense to buy. then you replied to the comment and I justified what I said… now you want to justify that I am wrong in saying that gaming notebooks are suitable, just because they heat up, the comparison you made was very silly, they are different segments, it’s like comparing one formula 1 car with a BMW, the formula 1 car is faster but on the other hand it heats up more, the BMW is more beautiful and comfortable, they are different segments, which for those who work with 3D, should be a well thought out choice for avoid regrets
That’s correct. For final rendering in Cycles in Blender, you will be better off with a 3080 laptop. But for a lot of other parts of the Blender workflow, it’s a great laptop and it will last a long time on battery.
As far as bugs are concerned, if you are talking about Blender 3.1, it’s in Alpha. Expect the bugs to be ironed out in beta.
Please keep the discussion respectful and not personal, thanks. Also, this discussion is about how well Blender performs on the latest Apple computers, not a cross-platform hardware comparison thread.
Upfront, I’m not a Mac user and I do not want to switch the actual software environment I’m using due to licensed software which I have bought for windows.
Still I may want to get a high powered Apple laptop due to its power efficiency.
Currently I run an XMG Apex 15 with a Ryzen 3950X CPU, a desktop 2070 and 64 GB RAM.
It’s very powerful but can run at most an hour at full throttle from the internal battery.
The Apples are perhaps a little less powerful, but a lot more power efficient I am told. As far as I understand their notbooks ratio of calculation power vs energy efficiency is superb to everything else on the market.
I do need a very fast machine, but the XMG is just to power hungry.
Now here comes the question, could I install windows and all my windows software on the Apple and use the Apple hardware at max power with it?
As already stated I have zero intention to change my software environment, so no need to convince me from that end.
Zbrush is one of the good examples where you just can switch and it is not an issue if it is OSX or Windows, or it used to be we will see how it is in the future now that Maxon owns them.
The only real solution is to use OSX as there is no Bootcampoption on the new machines and I doubt that Apple will bring it back.
You could use something like Paralells but not guarantee that it will work and might be slow.
The problem with that solution its that you are virtualising Windows, and worse in this case you need to use the Windows ARM version, so on top of that all your X86 apps will be emulated / translated.
The other thing is it only support up to DirectX11 which can be an issue I guess.
I have not tried it in a while but on intel Macs it worked well and has some nice integration with OSX
I think if your primary environment is windows, you are much better off sticking to a windows machine. I know a bunch of laptops were just announced at CES, maybe look and see if any of the latest generation strike the balance you’re looking for.