MAC PRO & AMD or GTX ????

hi to all

I’m new here in the forum. Me and my Greek Band works with Blender 1-2 years now. Because my Mac is better that the other pc’s of the band, i help them with rendering and this month i tried to start my first steps to build some 3d models with Blender. My MAc is

Quad core 2.8 / 32RAM with AMD RADEON 7970

My question for now is:

Can i work with the AMD 7970 for a fast render? Someone wrote that new drivers of AMD open this way for blender… is it only for windows or i can solve my problem?

Which graphic card is the best to buy this period for Blender?

What about GTX 980 or 970?

Which specs of the card gives better performance for blender?

if anyone can help me i will appreciate it


no, if you are using cycles(probably the one that you use)
AMD does not work, and becomes useless
and GTX is the only purpose for faster render times


thanks for the reply. So first of all… i can put a GTX to my Mac pro 2011 Quad. which is the best GTX card choice for Blender???