This model gradually came together over several projects, each time I added more detail.
is it alpha or ray the transparency of speakers and mouse?
(I think it’s alpha)…
Very good. Is this your own computer?
Thanks. Ray. GI dome with buffered shadows and a directional area ray lamp. The cords are a bezier circle linked to bezier curves. The drive door and vents are maps. All rendered in Blender.
that looks great, very realistic.
Nice! :drool:
Very good light setup, i´ll have to try that one!
Hey that looks like my compy Except a little wider screen and I don’t have the speakers
But great job.
Awesome! My setup, except I’ve replaced the mouse with one that’s has more than one button.
Yea me two. Can’t stand a one button mouse.
Those speakers look absolutely real.
I think you did a fine job here. There are really only a few small adjustments that I’d suggest that you make to the finished picture. - The lighting on the keyboard makes the keys positively seem to glow, and the effect seems to me to be not-quite natural. As Michael Douglas says in A Chorus Line, “don’t draw my eye.” When so much of a picture is believable, as this one certainly is, my eyes are drawn (and drawn away…) by the smallest thing that doesn’t “ring true.” - I also expect there to be a slight bit of plastic surrounding the rim of the keyboard, and in front of the front row of keys, which is not there. (Now, granted, Apple comes up with some seriously funky keyboards…) - Likewise, I don’t expect to be able to see right through the speaker mounts. If they’re really transparent plastic, howzabout a ghost of specular-highlight reflection to delineate the rim of the thing? (Note: here’s a great place to use “digital magical lights” that only shine onto a specified object…) - Let’s add a few more lights. Put the thing into context; put it on somebody’s desk. - A very slight color-change on the mousepad surface will help considerably to separate it cleanly from the background.
But otherwise: I’m looking across the office darkness at a Macintosh monitor that looks exactly like that. Really nice job. Really nice accuracy.
i hate it
only because its a mac
lol, its a really nice render, but cant u put a windows screenshot ?