cant make blenderman work using version 1.9! maybe cos in the instructions of the script it says: put the X.dll in Y folder if using windows, or put the in folder Y if using linux. what about macs?? in the error log it shows:
Exporting Frame: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 553, in bevent
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 2170, in export
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 2104, in writeFrame
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 1111, in writeHeader
RuntimeError: Depricated:use RenderData.imageSizeX() and RenderData.imageSizeY
this after i press the export button. (i can actually see the gui)