mac sucks!!! blenderman dont at all

cant make blenderman work using version 1.9! maybe cos in the instructions of the script it says: put the X.dll in Y folder if using windows, or put the in folder Y if using linux. what about macs?? in the error log it shows:

Exporting Frame: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 553, in bevent
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 2170, in export
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 2104, in writeFrame
File “blenderman0.1beta9.0.”, line 1111, in writeHeader
RuntimeError: Depricated:use RenderData.imageSizeX() and RenderData.imageSizeY

this after i press the export button. (i can actually see the gui)

The function that is is pointing to have been deprecated with the relase of the Render module. You should do this:

rendercontext = Blender.Scene.getRenderingContext()
sizeX = rendercontext.imageSizeX()
sizeY = rendercontext.imageSizeY()

I actrally updated BlenderMan for 2.33 becuase its also in the animation export as well.

Link (temp becuase my bandwidth is exceeded)