
How about:

  • IntelMacs (MacBook, etc) can run Mac OS X, Windows, Linux side by side or in dual boot mode
    I don’t have to go further, since that pretty much destroys all your arguments against buying a Mac

Well, I can buy OSX and run a VMware hack to unlock it, at about a quarter of the price :slight_smile:
I think Mac OSX is a neat OS, If VMware ever makes it leagal, I might try to run it.
My wife just got a Mac, and some of her desktop toys are pretty neat.
I am kind of a nerd, I love playing with other Operating systems, and software that I have absolutly no use for.
Kind of an odd hobbie, but I guess it is better than smoking crack and heckling tourists like my sisters husband does.

BTW, can Mactels run real linux, or is is still a special flavour like Yellow dog, Darwin?
I might make my wifes system dual boot. She seems to like Beryl

As far as I know, with Bootcamp, Intel macs can run anything that an Intel box can run. Since, after all, they’re Intel boxes! The only major problem you might have is finding drivers, but you’ve got that problem with Linux on any platform!

BTW… OSX is Darwin.

BTW… OSX is Darwin.

Hey thanks :slight_smile:

Dont you guys have some way to run X-11 applications in osx?

Just a quick question – and I’m not a Mac owner, nor will I fuel a platform war. I have my own opinions but that’s ME.

Anyway, daredemo, I am just curious as to what your needs are that makes Linux NOT an option? Again, I’m JUST CURIOUS and I’m not going to try to “convert” you or anything.

Yes… you can run stuff under a copy of Apple’s X11 app. You can also install stuff from Fink that will run under X11.
I even have KDE installed. Not sure if there’s any advantage, sure is fun though! :smiley: