MacBlender's Meccha

Hey all, just thought i’d drop a Traditional piece, maybe i’ll make it in blender, who knows. jsut thought i’d get some crits

what do ya thingk? its pencil and paper straight scan and its 150 dpi so 1.5 times the size of the paper.


I like it all except for the feet, which resemble a ladies dress shoe,…I would make them rounder, or perhaps more squarish, and replace the arch part with some sort of heavy duty hinge. Or perhaps a corrugated region made of a rubbery material. Also I would do away with the heel. Good work though. I really like the general design.

I like the itty-bitty head. At first I thought the circular orb thing in the chest was the front of some kinda Giegeresque head, but then I saw the little camcorder head and felt much better about the whole deal. I agree with Modron’s comments about the feet. Squaring them up a bit would be a good idea. At the same time, I’d also like to suggest increasing the size of the hands.

Just a conceptual question, but underneath all those wires, is there some kinda skeleton structure, or is it just have a wirey mess for a body (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing)? What’s the mech’s purpose? How does he function? Is he sentient or driven? Just a few questions that might hopefully be helpful.


Hey, it’s not all wires, you can see the main structure behind the wiry mess, the head looks off to me… is it just me? Very interesting…

You could take those poiny ends off the feet and make them round… maybe it’ll satisfy the critics :smiley:

Oh what would be more interesting is, how you gonna design all those wires into Blender? hehehe :slight_smile:

Wires? simple, alot of anal retentive attention to detail :smiley:

and yeah the structure is there although hidden by the wiring.
in the secodn version he’s gonna be stockier and better proportioned for stabability, and of corse still the big mess of wires although it’ll be cleaned up a bit and better positioning then everywhere.
