mad fish!

Hi! this is my latest work->mad fishes. i just don’t know what to say more. so i hope, that you like this and i’ll wait your comments :wink: :smiley:
no grain:


I prefere the one with grain for some reason. I like the expression, its subtle.

The strange thing is that there are fish in real life with expressions that are way more whacky.

Sorry, i couldn’t help myself.

To be honest, I can’t really tell the difference between the grainy and non-grainy, but then it has been a long day. I’m not sure if it’s just because it’s at an odd angle or whether it’s the association with punkyfish (hooray for tops with zips all over) but it looks like a emblem or logo of some kind.

Simple, but I like it, I prefer the one with grian, but the dirfference is very little.
Good job :)!

I kinda like this crazy thing.

Really nice! This fish has got style! I like it.


Paul J->I agree, there’s a little difference between grainy and non-grainy, but I think, that grainy gives more feelings about action in this picture. And i wanted to make this picture more poster like :wink:

otto riis, BlackBoe, Cuby-> big thanks! actually, this fish i made for VFX competition in Latvia. I still don’t have camera, so my work on it is a bit frozen :frowning:

but anyway, thanks for comments!