Maddening chain of Rigify Errors

While following CGDIve’s excellent tutorial, I tried to generate my rig and discovered a cascade of errors. First it was "Bone ‘Index.001.l’ : Input to rig type must be a chain of 2 or more bones [it was a simple tentacle preset with 3 bones]. Incorrect armature type for chain rigs.

Since this error pointed to my finger bones, and they were all duplicates ( limbs.simple_tentacle) I deleted them all and tried to generate the rig again, resulting in a new error:

“Bone ‘neck’: Cannot connect chain. Bone position is disjoint. Incorrect armature.etc”. I double-checked that the neck bone and spine bone were indeed joined – they were as far as I can tell. I then un-checked the “connect chain” box to see if that fixed the error in case I was wrong, and tried to generate the rig again.

Which resulted in a “Generation has thrown an exception” error. With no clue on how to proceed with trouble-shooting this, I am here begging y’all for help!

I’ve attached a file with just the problem armature for my mermaid model and am hoisting the white flag. If anybody can tell me how to fix this so I can get a successful rig (which seemed soooo simple before I actually tried to do it)…I’ll name her after you!

MermaidRigifyJustTheArmature.blend (1.0 MB)

Need some information. What versions of Blender are you using? Did you build this rig using the rigify buttons or did you just add some bones? Need to have the generated python text in the text editor to troubleshoot.

Thank you for responding!

It’s Blender 3.0.0. running on Mac OS 11.6.5. The rig was built using Rigify buttons.

I’m brand new to Blender – how to I access the generated python text?

Don’t use bold text, or else bartv will chain you to his bumper and pull you to woods

Noooooo! Not that!

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I’ll get back to you and show you how to diagnose this in a video. I’ll post it up for you tomorrow.

Thank you so much!

Ok. Here is your fixes. One thing I forgot was to explain connect chains. That is used to add two chains together for bendy bones. That is why it was disjointed. If you position the tail on the spine chain but still not connected as a parent you can check that box on rigify option on the tail bone and it will work if that makes sense. After you run the video this comment will make sense, I hope.

I left you with a few things to tidy up. I’ll let you fix your armature. If you get stuck post back.

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Don’t want to leave you with the impression that is the only way to fix the chain errors. If for some reason you want to keep say the head and facial chain, you simply unparent the neck from the spine by clearing the parent on the neck and it will work fine as well. You might want to do that, but I couldn’t tell. Also you can move the tail head bone on the first bone of the chain to the spine bone and parent it as keep disconnected and toggle the connect chain and it will also work. I couldn’t tell what your animation intents were so I took the easy way out. LOL. I missed a part where I told the root bone to be a rigify type. You can add that. I still didn’t know what Bone was. Maybe that was your root. I couldn’t tell.

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Thank you still trying! I really appreciate that. I would never have figured that out!

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Thank you again, stilltrying! I’ve followed along with your video – I can see where I made those mistakes now. I didn’t realize I had selected my first entire tentacle “finger” chain when I parented it to the hand, and then just duplicated the wrong set-up for every other finger. I noticed that when I use the rt-click>make parent>connected menu as you did, to redo the parenting, it did not change the parenting in the Bone Properties >Relations panel, and did not remove the incorrect visuals of the dotted line connecting the bone to the (wrong) parent. I found I had to change the parenting in the Bone Properties. Is that normal?

And adding the Root – was the naming of the bone as the “root” what tells Rigify to treat it as a Root bone?

I really appreciate all the time you spent on this – the mysteries of Rigify are much clearer to me now. I found a video on how to get the console to display the Python log on a Mac so I can better trouble-shoot this in the future, too. (It’s not a simple as it is on a PC, unfortunately)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I’ll PM you on this forum because now you are on specific issues related to your character. OK?

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