Once in a while I make something just for fun and practice. I decided to post some of them here when I do, also for fun.
So here’s a somewhat mean-looking head I did yesterday
Sculpted with blender from a subdivided cube (yes, I know, I really shouldn’t). Used nothing but standard Grab, SculptDraw, Clay and Smooth, no textures. I’m guessing it took about 4-6h, but I wasn’t really counting. Rendered with Octane. I really wanted to use Cycles, but I couldn’t get the displacement to work right. Baking it took ages and then it was all pixelated and faceted and horrible-looking. I’m not sure what went wrong, but at 2h per bake I’m in no hurry to try again. Octane on the other hand supports normal maps, which work nicely and bake fast. Neither engine would render the entire 6M polygon mesh without baking it down. Well, I suppose cycles could do it in CPU mode, but I didn’t want to wait that long.
This is not really a WIP, as I have little intention of ever finishing it, but I couldn’t find a good place to start a sketchbook style thread that wasn’t limited to traditional media. So if this is inappropriate here, please move it or delete it. Also, if this is breaking any rules concerning image width/height/filesize, please tell me. I didn’t see any rules posted for this forum.