Magic Bullets


This a work I submitted some times ago, but I improved the result and I wanted to post it again. The objective here was to make a composition using texture mapping, the box, the notice and especially the bullet’s containers where several textures are applied on the same surface using images with alpha channels.

Over the exercice itself, I took the opportunity to illustrate the danger of using some drugs. Hope you like in spite of the ironic aspect. This could be an entry for a contest, just for the fun, the theme would be the danger of misusing for instance drugs, alchool, over eating, smoking, what ever you want, just use you better CG talent to illustrate it.

So here is my entry.

Made with blender
Rendered with Yafray

top notch stuff!
i was actually staring at it for 3 minutes, trying to find clues whether it’s cg or a photo… still cant decide, beautiful! :slight_smile:


ps: actually. the table texture [especially the bumpmap] got me. but that’s only a very minor thing.

Indeed, the table is the only thing throwing it off for me as well.

Saw this over at CG Talk some time ago. Really nicely done.


I really like the table, the groves, scuffs, and scratches, it doesnt look like a perfect brand new surface it shows years of worn and torn, perfect!

Wow! This is fantastically photorealistic. How long did it take to render?

I also like the idea of it; very clever :slight_smile:

Awesome, love the concept and very nicely done owerall :smiley:

Where can I buy these babys? :rolleyes:

Yea moddeling, texturing and lighting are perfect! Nice Ideaa too.

Only the table texture has a too low resolution :frowning: - but hey - thats no problem ^^

I vote whit ***** stars because its GREAT!!!:slight_smile:

Wow. amazing. really wonderful render Enrico. really reaslistic. cool !

***** well earned !

no comments :stuck_out_tongue:

cool. the first thing that came to mind was the JFK assassination, you know, with all of the bullet conspiracies.


holy cow, that’s amazing. That’s the kind of image that makes the program writers proud. VERY nice job.

Seriously nice. All but the table looks photo real. I especially like the plastic packaging on the bullets. Great stuff :smiley:

awesome work indeed. I found the edges of the cardboard box flaps a bit weird, ( i dont think they would have the white coating on them) and the far corner looks like it may have som subsurfing issues. But that’s really getting stingy, great stuff.

Wow, amazing! I would really like to know, what does Yafray do? What features did you use to make it look realistic - radiosity, raytracing, Deptho of field, ambient occlusion, which ones?

the thickness of the box is a giveaway.
But very good!

Awesome. Great texturing.

The only bit that looked a bit odd was the backing foil of the packets. It didn’t look metallic enough I think, and the break-lines looked a bit thick.


Thanks to all !

I knew the table texture had a problem, the texture resolution is probably to low and I didn’t found bump settings to avoid the front blur, I improved it a bit, I think it’s better but still not perfect.

anoncompboy : I think using Yafray implies radiosity and that’s probably the answer, I rendered it with blender internal using AO, the result was quite nice but Yafray really add something else but you can’t point it.

looks beautiful. the thickness of the silvery packaging the bullets come in doesn’t look quite right. other than that, a couple things alread mentioned. great job

-XrQLz :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s just plain magic!!