Magic Shop

The environment of a New York street with an intriguing store in the middle. Modeled in blender. Game ready in Unreal 5.


Wow! I love the feel, may I ask though, how did you get the grafiti? I really like it!

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Thank you. Graffiti are masks made in Photoshop. Just easy white graffiti on black background and then in Substance painter you have material call: Spray Paint. You are adding this on your wall and attach mask :slight_smile:

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Do you think that there is a method to do this in blender entirely?

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much, also have a great weekend !

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Yes, you can use the same mask as a factor (fac) in nodes and add color node to manipulate colors than change setting on Image Texture node from Repeat to Clip, that should work as one image on model and no endless repeat. Than add mapping node to manipulat location of grafitti on UV and this should work.

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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