I know how to model sometimes and sometimes I don’t have so much trouble making things so I started this thread for people like me who just can’t seem to model anything right.
See for I can’t seem to model things right and they come out looking ugly and not what my vision looks like. I can become frustarated and there aren’t that many tutorials. I have to say that modeling for me stops me from making anything in blender. I mess up a lot and end up putting so little in my scene rather than having a coronocopia of different objects.
Now I’d better rap this up of none of you will reply.
For people who are still struggling in blender and can’t seem to get anything right. I need the pros to tell me what you do to make those amazing and mind bottling models you do. How do you decide what type of object to use? constrain? boolean operation? I mean I’ve had blender for a long time and still keep messing up.:spin::spin: