Major pickelhaubesmen

This is one of my latest projects. Mainly for practicing UV mapping and texturing,
I was aiming for a stylized head that had more of a realistic skin,

I like it! It looks like you had a lot of fun making the head. The whole thing looks like it came out of a WWI comedy.

My only criticism: In the bottom right corner, do we really need to know you used nodes?
You might as well put “Blender 2.42 internal w/ sub-surfacing”

By the way, that is a REALLY nice ear. Good job with the ear.

Best thingI’ve seen here in a while. Any ZBrush in the surfacing, or is it all Blender and a paint program?

This guy is awesome. I love the spectacles, and yes, the ear is great.

thanks! :slight_smile:
The method here is mainly that of blender and photoshop… and No displacement
my computer isnt anywhere near fast enough to run uber high pollys

Great looking model! Textures are great, good job on that!
I would only have to say that his right sholder is too close to the rest of the model to be out of focus like that. And maybe there is too much reflection on the helmet for the amount of light that falls on his face. But maybe that’s my current 14’ monitor playing tricks with my eyes…
Good work anyway

Ha, Brilliant! Nice textures.

Ha, that’s hilarious! Nice job, particularly with the skin.

Thats great! Hilarious is exactly the word to use in regard to this…

lol thanks!
hilarious, eh?

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This guy has a real personality, just from this one image. I love the pompous bushy moustache.

One crit, though: Since everything else is elongated vertically, would it be possible to raise the top of his head? The eyes are normally right in the middle of the head top-to-bottom, so right now it looks like the top of his head is bashed in. Raising it might increase comic effect – like a WWI incompetent Grand Moff Tarkin, perhaps? :slight_smile:


Great texturing! Funny model… what can I say… could we see some wireframes, please?

well, I re-rendered the image with the helmet slightly higher (for your praportionality sake). But I think It looks better when his helmet is shoved down on his head. It makes him look comicaly sour.
This re-render also displays more of his eyelids (wich I did not edit him to look angry) so he looks lightly suprised here.
and for the people who want some wire frames, I’ll post that later on today, im on the wrong computer

I like the low helmet. :]

ok, so here is an un-rendered veiw of this guy,: solid and wire frame veiw. I think I should of put optimised wire frame on. for its easier on the eyes

It was really neat to see the comparison, shongshong. Yes, it does look funnier with the low helmet, and “comically sour” is a great description.


This is a good idea very well executed. Congrats !

awesome!!! everything looks exceptional! very very good in fact! i loved that render! great helmet and everything…

superb modeling. his ear is particularly good. not sure about the blackening of skin color by the nose caused by shadow, looks like soot/dirt rather than shadow.

Ja, zer gut! Simply awesome Shongshong. Very professional looking. I love the material for the green uniform, it looks very real. What are the settings for the green uniform?