One day, as a passing fancy during a particularly uninteresting Social Studies class, i thought, "What if you could take, say, the Huns and make them battle against, maybe, the Japanese army? Hey! That would be a cool game—well, simulation, anyway. So i went home and tried to make a script that could take one person and make him sense if a person of a different tribe was near. Then, he would attack. If he was near a person of his own tribe, back away and look somewhere else. I did–it worked…for ONE person–well, two, but of different tribes. Then, it got deleted, and i sulked for 15 mins. then started over. Actually, i talked to myself. I talked from the POV of the warrior. I typed it up, editted it, and it WORKED!! And the best part is, ITS GLOBAL. You can have every single warrior running it and get different individual results for each warrior. Basiclly, this is a success story for noobs, and |-*******-| im asking for any ideas to make this game user-friendly, as there is no way to change anything unless you have Blender , and i was hoping to be able to run as an exe for my friends. Any questions or ideas are taken gratefully!!!
First MAACAW Test—http://www.savefile.com/files/416543 *****FIXED
suggestion:post script!!! sounds awesome!
'tis 'tis. 'tis most awesome but, alas, i do not have script here…(on this computer, i mean)
till a later post, it will wait.
Sounds cool!
If it’s like ‘massive’, the little battle simulator used for the Lord of the Rings movies (maybe not so ambitious as that but…), then it would truly be something! Post when you can!!
That’s what i was hoping to be able to do, but i have only three tribes (20 units to a tribe) and with the features i already have it runs pretty slow until people start dying off, and that’s even without a skybox!!(i was hoping to have a nice sky texture, too…)
ps there are no character animations…
If you could bake IPOs from the characters, you could render an animation to watch in real time. With decent lighting and all!
Yes but seeing as there are no visible weapons, character animations, explosions, or decent textures (besides the grass), there would not be any benefit from that…but thanks for the suggestion!
Anyway i just gave myself some good suggestions, anyone else got any?
Well, you may wanna forget that, cuz you havent seen my game so you dont know what i could do anyway…sorry. Talking to myself again…again, any suggestions or ideas will help.Thanks!
I am really “!(seriously)!” starting to doubt who this is…
who do you think it is?
i just had a thought…i was originally going to call it M.A.B.C.A.W, but that doesnt make sense. I could change it to Make an Army… and then i could call it M.A.C.A.W, which at least is a word…
Nevermind that, but I would like to see the script in action…
So… you used the blender game engine to create a MASSIVE ™ type battle simulator with very few programming skills, and it works very well except for performance?
And you won’t let us see it.
Exactly! And thus I was wondering…“This reminds me of someone…” Show it to us!
You mean like what age of empires does?
I played this for 4 years and that is all you want to do here. Decide who is friend or foe, attack if close, or even not attack.
You say you “came up” with this idea?
That is very awsome since most people on these forums have blender you should post it on a filesharing site so we can mess around with it…unless you are scared that people will steal your idea…but its your choice
no its really that i cant put it up until i get on my fathers computer. You want the truth? I’m a 8th grader at ******** middle school, alright! My parents wont let me get internet in my room so i have to use my dads computer, although i use mine for makin it. THERE. Happy? Wasn’t who you thought it was, was it, James?
Oh, and no, i have no claim to the idea of this game, im just sayin i made it work with blender.
yeah, everyone will be much more impressed it we could have a demo. You can always just make the .blend uneditable…
Check out the sticky " Questions answerd" or something, started by Braveheart. Its got lots of useful tips for weird things…