Make a circle picking polygons?

Hi. I come from Modo. There is a command in modo that allows you to pick polygons and transform them, automatically , in a circle. I would like to make a hole in tube.

I need the geometry to be smooth (I will render it in Keyshot). Therefore I am trying to avoid booleans or modifiers. I would like to get the actual geometry. I guess I could also use shrink unwrap.

Just curious for faster ways by picking vertex or polygons.


Edit > Prefereces > Addons > Search “Loop Tools”> enable the addon.

  • close user preferences.
  • select polygons
  • If you are using right click select : W > Loop Tools > Circle
  • if you are using left click select: LMB > Loop Tools > Circle

Thanks so so much.

I am still struggling with a non-smooth outcome. Do you think I need even more polygons?

After you run the circle operator, press F9 and uncheck “flatten”

You could try the To Sphere command too. It’s not always the best tool to use, since it lives up to its name, and tries to make a sphere of everything. But if all you’re wanting to do is put holes in your geometry, it’s good in a pinch.

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Create a high poly version of the cylinder without the hole and hide it.
Select the low poly cilynder, cut the hole and then add the Shrinkwrap modifier targeting the high poly cilynder.
This will orient the hole’s normals according to the surface of the cilynder withouth the hole so you won’t have artifacts.

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I must say this was the best/faster solution I found. Thanks a lot!!!

(Did not see the option)