Make a metaball follow a path to simulate a liquid

Hello, I don’t know if I’m in the right section, if not I apologize.

I’m trying to make my metaball to follow a curve to simulate a stream, avoiding animation/baking since I want real time.

I found this video right there : (Start at 6min)

I’m interested about the last part, the metaball one, but I can’t figure out how he did it.

Can anyone help me to understand his workflow ?

Thanks a lot.

pity that he did not reveal the workflow!

but there are blendersecrets!!!,
instead of the empty-modifier i use the curve-modifier, then in viewport i turn of
ObjectTypevisibility(not really necessary only for the overview)

metaball_array.blend (866.8 KB)

select the Curve go in edit mode and change or extrude or give points a greater/smaller weight.


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Thanks Mr. Walt for sharing your workflow & a blend file, I really appreciate it.

Everything work perfectly :slight_smile: