Make a room look natural

Hi, I recently saw a simple image. It is a room with a window and a single wardrobe. In short, we see only a wall, window and this wardrobe’s front view. But everything appeared so real life. I wonder how do we set lighting for something so basic as this.

We can draw a window and add materials to the wardrobe. But I never managed to follow how lights are set for a simple room. Any advice will be great.


There are actually many books which discuss this sort of thing in the context of real-world film (and now, digital …) photography. If you could attach a link to the actual image you’re now admiring, that would be very helpful.

A big thing to understand about lighting setups is that, while the image may appear to be “a room with a wardrobe that’s lit by the light that’s coming in through the window,” the window is actually what’s called “a practical light.” It’s something in the scene that your eye recognizes to be “a light source,” but it might not actually contribute any light to the scene at all.

One of the most memorable experiences I ever got to be a part of was an Arizona Highways Magazine photo shoot where they depicted “the interior of a hotel front room on a lovely day.” They did the shot at 1:00 in the morning on a new moon night. Everything was done with strobes, and they’d done hours of calculation in advance to determine – quantitatively – what the light levels throughout the frame needed to be and where and how to place the correct number of strobes to achieve that. I still vividly remember “the flash.”


Thanks. The original post already has an image. It is not visible ? Can you check please ?