Make a tracer?

How would one make a tracer, like the ones you see in old WW2 movies where you can see smoke behind the bullet…:spin:

You could make a small mesh that you will animate to follow the path of the bullet. Make the bullet mesh into a particle emitter, and set all the particle velocity settings (Normal, Random, Texture etc) to zero. The round will leave a trail of particles behind as it moves. Change the material of the mesh to get the right appearance for the particles.

i dont know how advanced you are, but a site that Bugman sent me to, NYU Perlin, at has a technique where you render out the particles to a separate pass, blur the heck out of it, and composite it back in. Very few particles give great results.

ok, are there any other ways?
Just so you don’t get offended, I just want to know if there are any other ways, simpler or whatever…:spin:

ur funny. yes, there are a few other ways. These two ideas are in addition to the over 500 you will get if you Search this forum for the keyword Smoke.

I did that under the keywords “tracer” “smoke” and “bullet”.
What I’m looking for is just like in a WW2 video, a thousand bullets being fired, and little smoke trails are behind each one.