Make an object grow as it moves along a curve

I want to make the icosphere grow as it moves along the length of the curve. I figure I need to know the length of the curve to do that correctly. I have no idea where I’m supposed to plug in this Spline Length node. Why the hell can’t I plug the curve INTO the spline length node to find out the length?

I’m trying to achieve something like the musical notes “smoke” from the chimney in this:


You need to plug both the spline output and the attribute you want into one of the Attribute nodes. The Attribute Statistic node, for example, outputs the raw values. Check its help page to see what the different outputs do.

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You can also set it up like this. The first image shows if your curve has only a single spline whereas the second image shows how to set it up if you have multiple splines but only want to use a single one.

You move the object with the green node and select the spline with the red node.

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you can use this node setup here:

scale and move sphere


I’m red-green colorblind.


Lol, when I hit the post button I actually thought “what if they`re color blind”.

The “value” node moves the object and the “Equal” node selects the spline.

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Always take the pill from the left…

O wait, his left or my left… Doh


You can use the spreadsheet to inspect node outputs, this is true for spline length as well