Make cockpit move with mesh? General rigging advice

Hey, I’m trying to make a mecha that has a interior inside of the head a player pilots from. Here’s the thing - it seems like even when I try to either both parent the interior of the cockpit and the cockpit’s exterior to the head bone in the armature, the interior doesn’t follow the other exterior object like I’d expect:


What do I need to keep in mind when I’m making something like this?

Also, I decided to making an IK component for my leg and my pole target. It looks a little funky in pose mode.

Edit Mode:

Pose Mode:

All thoughts and suggestions definitely appreciated!

Hi, it’s quite hard to debug without the blend file. Please post the file and I’m sure someone is able to help you. In the meantime, have you tried parent the cockpit object to the head object?

Hey there, thanks for the response. What’s the best way to share at this point? It seems the pasteall website doesn’t accept connections anymore…

Sorry, no idea about file sharing except for the normal dropbox, onedrive and so on. :confused: You don’t have access to any of those?

I got a dropbox link… here:

Let me know your thoughts?

Hello again! I started looking at your model and there are issues. The reason why it doesn’t behave properly is first most that the weight painting is not perfectly done.
I would actually advise you to not weight paint this kind of machine at all. If you have a machine with mechanical joints and no deform it’s easier to just model each part as a separate object and then parent each object to the proper bone. Then you don’t need to do any weight painting at all :+1:
Check this video for example:
I got your cockpit roof to follow the head bone perfectly by just parenting CockPit_Door to the bone Head for example.
It seems the funkyness in pose mode also comes from the weight painting. Did you use auto weight painting? It might be possible for you to keep the complete mecha as one mesh, but then you need to be extremely careful with the weight painting.
Hope this helps you forward even if it means a lot of more work. :see_no_evil:

Oh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

Yah, I did use automatic weight painting, to save myself some pain with bone parenting - or at least attempt to. You can tell how green I still am at this thing! I watched that vid you sent me - I definitely appreciated seeing that too, but it definitely shows how much work is required to rig objects like this. Yikes!

I was kinda hoping to eventually join all vertices into one to ensure that they all move as one body and different parts of the mesh don’t clip into each other, if that makes sense… but as you know that doesn’t prevent other problems from cropping up, it just introduces new ones.

I’ve been trying to make a mech like the one in the picture below, but it’s soooooo much harder without truly orthogonal drawings… :grimacing:

Maybe it’s not the greatest to start with for a rookie, but I thought I’d try to give myself a challenge/skill stretcher while starting to scope out a cool “game remake.” I also wanted to know the kind of work it would take to do things like this… now at least I know it’s craaaaaaaaaazy without a team :stuck_out_tongue:

Got any other suggestions in this endeavor I’m trying to pull?

Hehe, yea weight painting is a hassle. No fun at all, but for organic characters it’s quite unavoidable. In this case you there’s the possibility to bone parent at least. I’m doing two legged mechanical thing myself at the moment and there are parts of the rigging I’m at all not sure yet how to do in a good way. But it’s just breaking it down into smaller problems and then solving them one after the other.

Yes I understand what you mean, but all different ways of doing things always have there own set of problems to get past. I guess what one has to do is to find the solution with least amounts on speed bumps…

If you don’t have the drawings, try doing them yourself. Even if it takes time, it gives you time to think about how it’s constructed before you start modelling and that probably reduces the time it takes in the long run.

That’s a really sweet mech by the way. I would actually say that it’s good to start tackle large projects early on, at least as long as you can stay motivated. I think a good thing though, is to try to reduce it to sub problems. For example, first model the mech with just large blocks, no details and no joints, parent these to an armature and animate with this until you get hang of it. At the same time, when you don’t want to animate, but model instead, start on sub parts and model these after the concept. Then you will have a bit more knowledge how the model need to be built for the animation to work out.

Apart from that i don’t think I have any great suggestions except stay at it. If you want to do it and give it time and effort it will pay off. :+1:
And ask away at the forum! :wink: