make human help!!!

OKay, back to MakeHuman! :stuck_out_tongue:

i still would like help with my problem


well I really can’t say at this point. I’d redownload the most recent versions of everything (blender 2.34, makehuman 1.8b, the makehuman1.8lib, etc) and do a clean reinstall.

I can’t reproduce your error so I’m not sure what it might be.

Tom M.

I had another idea. Open the makehuman1.8b1_1.blend

select the mesh that you see and delete it.

now save the blend, close it and reopen it.

Now try and run the script.

Tom M.

i tryed that and it still gives me the same problem

unless its the fact i have both python 2.0 and 2.2.2 installed

You should have python 2.3 installed. Not sure if it works with older versions.

I have a makehuman blend that fixes a bug (unrelated to your problem tho), and also allows you to set a different name for the ini file.

If you PM me your email address, I can email it to you.

Tom M.

AFAIK, MakeHuman doesn’t need ANY python install at all, as it relies entirely on Blender’s internal API.

i still have the same problem


sorry, you’ve exhausted the suggestions I have. At this point, you might consider waiting till the next release is out and try it then. The release will be out before the end of the month.

Tom M.