Make human molecular transporter.

I was experimenting with particle effects, and I came up with this.

379 k avi divx

Nice transporter! Must be some of those fancy vector particles that I have not fooled with much yet.

I used two particle emitters. A large tube with non-vector particles and a smaller one with vector particles.

awesome! but i dont really like the model. prehaps ask nico for his makehuman model :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol …The model was just a quick and dirty prop. I don’t think Nico would want jr.'s molecules scattered across the universe :wink: :smiley: . Thanks.


A transporter that ‘scales in’ the object doesn’t seem too realistic…

Better make the object appear ‘particle by particle’ inside the cloud.

A molecular transporter isn’t realistic to begin with, nor is Bugs Bunny, but people love watching Bugs Bunny, even if “most” people know that rabbits can’t talk or walk on two legs. Don’t get hung up on realism since this is an animation of some fictitious gadget, and it wasn’t meant to be an imitation of Star Trek, which isn’t very realistic to begin with. :wink:

Here’s a good article about animation.

Come on, admit it, you did it this way because you wouldn’t know how to do a star-trek like appearing of the object :wink:

Why don’t you show us, Scotty.

The clingons are attacking us, captain. No time for stupid games! :slight_smile:

Exactly, disappear. Talk to me when you have something constructive to offer.

Uhm? Who will code the new features then? :slight_smile:

Scotty, LaForge, and Trip

TRIP? TRIP DRAGON? :slight_smile:

i like the particles.
and the “growin up” human would be fine too, if he would look more alive while in the process… like, in the beginning very curled up, and then streching himself while growing to final size… it’s quite nice effect anyways, kind of like old cheap scifi-movies… one funny way would also be that the guy would be squashed at first, and then streches… :slight_smile: with “pllll-OP!” sound effect. heh.

but, if you are aiming to more realism… then, perhaps try just changing the alpha of the guy texture. that will give you the good old fade-in effect. and then adding some moving noise to human texture would perhaps make it look like he is appearing …


I changed it to show “realistic” molecular transporter effects. Hope you like them:D :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Basse, thanks for your suggestions, they are appreciated, but I was just experimenting . I was also hoping this thread would have stayed buried on page 56;)

I like it cree :smiley: :o

Looks much better than the first one :smiley:


:wink: I liked the first one because it was spontaneous, but I also have to consider what other people like. Thanks for your comments.