Make Human

I haven’t had any luck with MakeHuman and Blender 2.26. The MakeHuman QuickStart guide is not detailed enough for me to get anywhere.

I can get the script running fine. I only have 6 targets that I can morph and there are no sub-targets of those (right clicking a target brings up no sub-targets). Is there supposed to be more targets than this?

When I perform any morph, the character goes from looking smooth to some really really bad shading. It looks terrible. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Anyone know of a good tutorial?


Well the MakeHuman site has its own forum :wink:


There is not very much information on their forum though.

This question leads me to another related question. How come come meshes that I ‘Set Smooth’ to are not shaded properly. I seem to have the most problems with cylinders.

Any ideas?


I think what he meant is that if you post at their forum you would get a prompt reply from the horses mouth… so to speak.

If by shading you mean that there are faces missing you can hit F (face mode) and any polygons that don’t have faces will not show up white. If you then hit Tab all faces will have yellow rectangles. Any that don’t you will have to make faces manually by selecting their verts and hitting F, one face at a time.

If some of the faces are black you should recalculate normals, Ctrl+N in edit mode.

If the faces are distorted or stretched you probably have duplicate verts. Zoom in close to check. Fix by removing doubles.

If none of the above, give a better explaination.
