Make Human?

Hey, I just downloaded the MakeHuman script, but I can only morph the head. Is that all that is available, just head morphing, or can you also morph the body, say breast size or biceps, etc… am I missing something?


Ah hah! I have been trying to figure out that program for the past three days. Here’s what I’ve got so far. If you downloaded the version they currently have up on their website you should have targets for eyes, mouth, nose, head size and shape, targets to change the breast shape to either male or female, a target for dwarf, and a target for giant. At least that’s what I’ve got on mine. Also a test target but I’m not quite sure what that does.
The good part though is that you can create your own targets. They are even running a contest for people to create a whole bunch of targets for an upcoming release. I have already created a few but they are rough and need work. Today I am going to create one for Elven ears :slight_smile:
Anyways, it was hard for me to find specific instructions on how to do this so I am going to tell you here.
When you open up Make Human duplicate your mesh model. Set the duplicate off to the side and work with your original since from what I have seen the target commands will only alter the one named Base. Apply whatever targets you wish to it. Then model whatever changes you want to appear in your target. The targets you apply will also occur in your new target. So, when you’re done changing your model name it whatever you want your target name to be and change your dublicates name to Base.
This is because you need to have a Base mesh up that is unchanged and your target model up at the same time to save new targets. Make sure to change the names of your models under both the ME and the OB headers.
Then enter the command “savetarget objectsname”. For example “savetarget elvenears”. Without the parenthesis of course. Your new target and your altered model must have the same name. So, once that is saved you should be able to load it with the rest of the targets and use it on a fresh model :slight_smile:
I hope I didn’t over explain that but it confused the heck out of me at first because I couldn’t get detailed instructions anywhere.
Oh, one last thing that will make your modeling easier. The mesh is divided up into anatomically correct vertex groups. If you go into edit mode under the edit header you will see the vertex groups menu and it should have hand already selected. You can pull down a menu that has all the other parts listed by pressing the minus symbol next to where it says hand. So, since you mentioned changing the bicep you can select only the parts that make up the bicep this way. Just push the select button under the vertex group menu.
You probably already knew this but there are still a few of us who are just now figuring this stuff out :slight_smile:
Good luck!

Uh oh! I forgot to mention the kinodemon target. That one’s fun to play with :slight_smile:

Great explanation!
Thanks! :smiley:

Delete the test target, it’s a my mistake :expressionless:

I’m curious about your new targets. I’m sorry for
a low number of targets actually available, but I hope to
increase it thanks to 3d modelers partecipation to
MHcontest, at the end of summer.



Yes it was a great explantion, I have not made any targets yet, but will try soon. Thanks again for the explanation, even “I” can understand it. LOL…

And It is a great program, well done…

Thanks again, The NDN…

Thanks for the thumbs up Manuel and NDN! And thanks for a great program Manuel :smiley:
As for my targets so far, I am primarily working on a female proportions one wih an increased breast size. As I said, right now it’s really rough but it’s getting there. I have also created one for butterfly-like wings and pointy elven ears. Others that I’d like to make soon include a cat person and Darkness from Legends.
If I come up with any that are good enough and that fit the rules I might enter them in the contest :wink:
One other thing I was thinking was maybe we could start a thread on the forum for target trading. Just an idea. Would that work?
Once again, great program!