I’m working on a leg rig and I have my knee pole target as child of the upper leg bone so when my foot IK move the upper leg the pole target is always correctly placed. This works fine.
What I’d also like to do is be able to do is manually tweak the position of the pole target as well so I can angle the knees out for example. When I try directly posing the knee pole target however the whole leg just spins about crazily at the slightest shift.
I’ve tried an IK solver on then knee pole target, which doesn’t spin like crazy, but then takes precedence over the foot IK which I don’t want. Ideally it would only take up the slack left over after the foot IK does its thing.
So anyone got a good solution to make the knee pole target tweakable with keeping it parented to the upper leg?
You can’t have the IK target nor the Pole target be the child bone of any of the bones that are in the IK chain . This creates cyclic dependencies - your “spins about crazily at the slightest shift” - if you look at the console it will indicate this with an error message .
Nor can you get clever and add a bone that copies the location of the child bone … that shows up too as cyclic dependency …
The best you can do as of now is to make the pole target the child of the any bone that is above/beyond the IK chain length . You might be able to get decent effects using the new Limit to constraint so you don’t loose track of the pole target …
Or if you don’t find this too buggy … I sometimes parented a second IK solver target (before the new pole target option) to the main IK target, i.e. the foot IK target would be the parent of the knee pole/IK target … I even named it at the time as inverse parenting …