Make light reflect off a circle mesh? (Noobie question)

For some reason, when I make a plane mesh everything is ok (can illuminate it with a lamp, add materials, textures, etc.), but when I make a circle MESH it won’t show up in the rendering; I can assign materials and textures but they don’t render, the circle is invisible. Is this a normal part of Blender, or am I doing something wrong, or is there a bug in how Blender works on my system (I’m using 2.27 because of a bug with 2.28a)? Circle curves don’t render either, but I expected that.
I’ve been using very flat donut surfaces with infinitessimal holes as a workaround, but is there an easier way?

Add -> Mesh -> Circle has no faces to render. It has only verts and edges. If you extrude then faces will be created.


As Fligh % said, blender normally only renders faces. (Same for shaded view mode)
A mesh circle has no faces by default.
For a filled circle select all vertices and make faces with Shift+F.
For a not filled circle you can set “wire” in the MaterialButtons. (Circle will be rendered but not shown in shaded view mode)

Similar for open curve objects. They won’t show neither in shaded view mode nor will they be rendered, but you can set “wire” in Material Buttons for rendering.

I am not at home so I can’t check inside Blender, but I can’t recall that Blender has Add–>Mesh–>Circle, but indeed it has Add–>Surface–>Circle and Add–>NURBS–>Circle…

so to have it as “MESH” you need first to convert them to Mesh with this command: CTRL+C…but as the others pointed out, it has no faces, not even a triangular face, hense no rendering on the particular object…cheers! :wink:

sorry for being picky :stuck_out_tongue: but correct must be correct :wink:

ADD–>Curve–>Bezier Circle
ADD–>Curve–>Nurbs Circle

A bit picky, sorry :wink:

picky again, what Blender version :stuck_out_tongue: ?

yeah sorry, hard to check when you not have it, but then, you could also do copy&paste LOL :smiley:

sorry, I am sure you have it all right hehe :smiley:


2.23, 2.25, 2.26, 2.28, and I assume 2.27 has it too :wink: .

Luckily I could check it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t been aware of the ADD–>Surface–>Circle option

Actually a Curve/Bezier Circle WILL show up in shaded mode and render.

Thanks. Now the concept of “face” is starting to be clearer to me.