Hi everyone,
I realize a similar topic was posted some time ago but the issue was not resolved.
I’m working with a team on a large project (still secret, sorry!) over Dropbox, which we use to store our shared textures. All of the textures in my Blend files are in the same folder on Dropbox. I’m fairly new to using relative file paths, but when I use
File > External data > Make all paths relative
Blender returns a message telling me that 15 files failed to be made relative, with only one successfully being changed. The log recorded in the text editor shows me which files failed the ‘make relative’ process, and they are all present and current files in the Dropbox directory, which I and everyone else on my team can access without a problem. Are there any known bugs which can cause this error? Could there have been a mistake I’ve made to cause the problem?
- Mitch