Make Slider for multi-file Pie menu work

Hi :slight_smile:

I am new to scripting with blender and I am starting to understand how the UI stuff works but I still have some problems with the blender API. I managed to write a custom Pie menu with the ability to interactivly change values of sliders that affect objects in the scene. I am now trying to transfer this script from a single file to multi-files. Thats how the pie menu looks right now, the functionality doesn’t make a lot of sence but it was just to try.


The sliders for the singlefile script work basically that way:

# update function which is called when a parameter changes
def update_func(self, context):
    scn = bpy.context.scene
    context.active_object.location.x = scn.transformX
    context.active_object.location.y = scn.transformY
    context.active_object.location.z = scn.transformZ
    print("Prop1 changed to", bpy.context.scene.transformX)
    return None
# Pie menu Layout
class MP_PIE(Menu):
    # label is displayed at the center of the pie menu.
    bl_label = "Select Mode"
    bl_idname = "mp.mp_pie_menu"

    scn = bpy.context.scene

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout

        pie = layout.menu_pie()
    row = box.row()
        #row.prop(obj, "hide_select")
        #row.prop(obj, "hide_render")
        box.prop(self.scn, "transformX", slider=True)
        box.prop(self.scn, "transformY", slider=True)
        box.prop(self.scn, "transformZ", slider=True)

# register function where I create the variables stored into the scene
def register():
    bpy.types.Scene.transformX = FloatProperty(name = "X", default = 50, min = -1000, max = 1000, subtype = 'DISTANCE', update = update_func)
    bpy.types.Scene.transformY = FloatProperty(name = "Y", default = 50, min = -1000, max = 1000, subtype = 'DISTANCE', update = update_func)
    bpy.types.Scene.transformZ = FloatProperty(name = "Z", default = 50, min = -1000, max = 1000, subtype = 'DISTANCE', update = update_func)

    wm = bpy.context.window_manager
    km = = "Window",space_type='EMPTY', region_type='WINDOW')
    kmi ="wm.call_menu_pie", "E", "PRESS") = "mp.mp_pie_menu"

This is maybe not the most beautiful way to do it but at least it works that way. While trying to get this script running in a multi-file addon I get the problem that I don’t know where to define this code.

    bpy.types.Scene.transformZ = FloatProperty(name = "Z", default = 50, min = -1000, max = 1000, subtype = 'DISTANCE', update = update_func)

I am using the code autocomplete addon which handles the registration and unregistration of modules at it’s own. Therefore I can’t really but this code into the register. I tried to make a function that stores the Parameteres into the scene, but than I have the propblem where to call this function. Looking in the internet and in other addons I often found something like this but I don’t understand what it is for, is this maybe the way to go? I would really apprichiate your help as I am stuck right now

<b>class</b> <b>MyPropertyGroup</b>(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):

If it helps: that’s the multi-file code of the file mp_pie_shader which also works, except the Smooth Angle Slider

import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from bpy.types import Menu

def SmoothUpdate_func(self,context):
    scn = bpy.context.scene
    for ob in context.selected_objects:
        if ob.type == 'MESH':
            ob.autos_smooth_angle = scn.float_autosmoothAngle
    return None

def initSceneProperties(scn):
    bpy.types.Scene.Smooth_angle = FloatProperty(
        name = "setSmoothAngle",
        description = "Enter a float",
        default = 45,
        min = 0,
        max = 360,
        update = SmoothUpdate_func)

class MP_Pie_Shader(Menu):
    # label is displayed at the center of the pie menu.
    bl_label = "Select Mode"
    bl_idname = "mp.mp_pie_shader"
    scn = bpy.context.scene
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout

        pie = layout.menu_pie()
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Rendered", icon = 'SMOOTH').mode = "rendered"
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Wireframe", icon = 'WIRE').mode = "wireframe"
        box =
        box.operator("object.shade_smooth", text="Smooth Shade")
        box.operator("object.shade_flat", text="Flat Shade")
        box.prop(self.scn, "setSmoothAngle", text = "Smooth Angle", slider = True)
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Material", icon = 'MATERIAL').mode = "material"
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Textured", icon = 'TEXTURE_SHADED').mode = "textured"
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Solid", icon = 'SOLID').mode = "solid"

class Autosmooth_Button(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "viewport.autosmooth"
    bl_label = "Autosmooth"
    def execute(self, context): = True
#   class OBJECT_OT_AddButton(bpy.types.Operator):
class ChangeViewportShade_Button(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "viewportshade.change"
    bl_label = "Add"
    mode = bpy.props.StringProperty()
    def execute(self, context):
        if self.mode == "rendered":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'RENDERED'
        elif self.mode == "wireframe":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'WIREFRAME'
        elif self.mode == "material":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'MATERIAL'
        elif self.mode == "textured":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'TEXTURED'
        elif self.mode == "solid":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'SOLID'

So please help me. How to make the Slider work for the multi-file Pie menu!?


I finally managed to do it.

import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from bpy.types import Menu
import math

def degreeConversion(degree):
	rad = degree * math.pi / 180
	return rad

def SmoothUpdate_func(self,context):
	smoothAngle = bpy.context.scene.smoothAngle
	for mesh in
		mesh.auto_smooth_angle = degreeConversion(smoothAngle)

def SmoothToggle_func(self,context):
	bpy.types.Scene.smoothTrigger = not bpy.types.Scene.smoothTrigger 

class Shader_Pie_Properties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
    bpy.types.Scene.smoothAngle = FloatProperty(
        name = "setSmoothAngle",
        description = "Enter a float",
        default = 45,
        min = 0,
        max = 180,
		update = SmoothUpdate_func)
class MP_Pie_Shader(Menu):
    # label is displayed at the center of the pie menu.
    bl_label = "Select Mode"
    bl_idname = "mp.mp_pie_shader"
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        scn = bpy.context.scene
        mesh =
        pie = layout.menu_pie()
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Rendered", icon = 'SMOOTH').mode = "rendered"
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Wireframe", icon = 'WIRE').mode = "wireframe"
        box =
        box.operator("object.shade_smooth", text="Smooth Shade")
        box.operator("object.shade_flat", text="Flat Shade")
        box.prop(mesh, "use_auto_smooth", text = "Auto Angle")
        box.prop(scn, "smoothAngle", text = "Smooth Angle", slider = True)
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Material", icon = 'MATERIAL').mode = "material"
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Textured", icon = 'TEXTURE_SHADED').mode = "textured"
        pie.operator("viewportshade.change", text="Solid", icon = 'SOLID').mode = "solid"

class Autosmooth_Button(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "viewport.autosmooth"
    bl_label = "Autosmooth"
    def execute(self, context): = True
#   class OBJECT_OT_AddButton(bpy.types.Operator):
class ChangeViewportShade_Button(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "viewportshade.change"
    bl_label = "Add"
    mode = bpy.props.StringProperty()

    def execute(self, context):
        if self.mode == "rendered":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'RENDERED'
        elif self.mode == "wireframe":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'WIREFRAME'
        elif self.mode == "material":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'MATERIAL'
        elif self.mode == "textured":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'TEXTURED'
        elif self.mode == "solid":
            bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'SOLID'